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(Omal defines who the Galactic Federation is and what they do for the planets they assist. Sirius is a member and so we get into what would happen if Earth were to destroy itself prior to being able to become a space faring race. What would happen with Hades Base should the planet be devoid of people was also discussed.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations Russ.

Russ: greetings Omal, let me know if the little mind over there is going to be a problem.

Omal: no he is not interfering within the field besides, the little mind can be dominated.

Russ: and how are you this afternoon?

Omal: this evening I am functioning within specified parameters and yourself?

Russ: happy New Year’s Omal.

Omal: I believe as Mark’s race or part of Mark's ancestry would say, happy Hogmanay.

Russ: that’s right, absolutely. I’ve got some stuff on the photon belt I want to work with you.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: this is an e-mail that was sent to me by a gentleman that I need to respond back to but I wanted to get some input from you first before I did so.

Omal: okay.

Russ: this is concerning once more the Galactic Federation…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: that we discussed before. First off, what is the Galactic Federation, do we have a good definition for that yet?

Omal: it is a group of planets that are loosely aligned in a cooperative, nonaggression type pact, mutual aid as you might put it.

Russ: similar to Sirius and Earth.

Omal: pretty much so yes, Sirius is one of the keystones as it were, one of the cornerstones.

Russ: ahh, okay.

Omal: but they have many, many obligations as there are many as Kiri puts it sister worlds that have called upon Sirius in the past to help, the home world, and have in turn helped the home world.

Russ: hmm, okay well that make sense. Now according to the transcription I have, there is a hologram that was placed around the solar system to nullify the effects of the photon belt coming through three days of the null field or the null zone that is supposed to arrive…….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? And according to this e-mail I got, it was then removed and mass landings were supposed to happen to prepare and awaken and educate……

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: for the of course three days of disaster area.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now according to him, the null zone is here today, today was first day of it….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: so it’s three days that started today. Now I don’t feel too different myself.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: if this is a null zone, it’s going to have to hurry up and get here pretty soon because I don’t anticipate any landings.

Omal: no, I doubt that there will be any landings or mass landings. There are landings going on all the time from anthropological groups, groups interested in your planet’s structure, how the crust is made, geological surveys, natural history surveys, all sorts of landings occur all the time. Most of them are done in very secluded areas where there is no chance of them being spotted. Others are done by individuals that have a playful sense of humor. I believe in one of your popular paper entertainments there was a reference to aliens landing, putting antennas on the head and marching backwards and forwards in front of unsuspecting individuals making bleep bleep noises to which the comment was, "rather childish".

Russ: yes.

Omal: but I think you are aware of where that comes from (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). 

Russ: that's correct.

Omal: these landings do occur. As for a mass landing, no. Okay let us look at this null field, what does null mean?

Russ: null would be a absence of everything.

Omal: correct. So to say that it is going to cause problems is odd to give it such a name as a null field. Certainly there are environmental factors going on at present that are being generated by the photon belt. The majority of the factors that are going on are affecting people in their psychological and spiritual behaviors but there are environmental factors that are actually occurring. “Our unusual weather patterns"as was stated, I’m surprised that nobody has picked up on that comment.

Russ: good point, good point.

Omal: look around, tell me what you see out there.

Russ: a lot of storms.

Omal: uh-huh, it is not us this time, that was our mistake. This time it is natural phenomenons…..

Russ: record snows........

Omal: created by interference by another natural phenomenon. You might call the photon cloud the El Niño of space.

Russ: ahh, now it’s not going to get worse is it?

Omal: possibly yes.

Russ: okay. Now he mentions that a lot of the reasons why there are no landings is due to God’s plan or that of the spiritual hierarchy.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: but he doesn’t go on to explain the spiritual hierarchy, is that like a larger council than the Council of 12?

Omal: you have to be aware that there are other organizations other than Ashtar Command.

Russ: correct.

Omal: and these loose non-intervention pacts, there is discussion of the development of your planet and other planets and it is deemed that when necessary, the situation will be reevaluated and looked at again. It depends on how a species evolves and advance and what it learns and what harm it does. If a species is very self-destructive and ends up destroying its planet before it develops practical space faring capabilities, then we do not concern ourselves due to the fact if we try to help every planet, then we would help nobody. We have to select those with the potential.

Russ: now if Earth was to self-destruct let’s say prior to its space faring capabilities?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: would Hades Base then be a write off and just have to move it?

Omal: we would try to rescue what we can of those individuals that are promising.

Russ: oh.

Omal: then we would monitor the dead planet and hope and pray that life would start to evolve again. We would have to recalibrate our schedule and the base would be scaled-back tremendously from the current number of individuals to maybe just a few hundred.

Russ: just for monitoring purposes only?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: but in a strategy or strategic point of view, Earth is in a position where it is necessary to maintain a base. Even if the planet is dead…..

Russ: just because it could be taken and used by other races?

Omal: correct.

Russ: hmm okay. Now would this mean to say that Hades Base has gone through quite a few changes since man has taken up a higher place on its planetary surface?

Omal: most certainly it has.

Russ: so when was the last major change that happened on Hades Base?

Omal: we are going through one at the moment.

Russ: you mean with the arrival of the new squadrons?

Omal: well with the new squadrons, the enlargement of capacity, yes that would be the best way to put it.

Russ: okay and this is because I would assume, now this is just an assumption that Earth is arriving at a critical point in its future.

Omal: saying critical is inaccurate, its development is progressing on a higher level but critical no. Critical would suggest that it’s a make or break.

Russ: well as we just discussed, I mean Earth still has the capacity to destroy itself.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: though I don’t see that happening…..it’s still hard to tell with the photon cloud going through, various instabilities in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union….

Omal: this is all part of what is being planned and predicted. These are not critical stages, critical is when evolution starts to have a hand and to polarize groups of individuals of those that do and those who do not if you understand my meaning.

Russ: I see.

Omal: but those that do not, they become concerned and are feared of those that do.

Russ: okay. So basically we’re at a regular point that you guys had planned for….

Omal: correct.

Russ: and were ready to make the changes necessary on the base to accompany those changes here on earth.

Omal: correct.

Russ: I see, okay. Now a little sidetrack on the ski race coming up…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: is that part of that change?

Omal: no, that is something that is a nice interlude for the base personnel. It is as you might call it a holiday for them.