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(Lyka gives us an inside look at her life in the Sirian Defense Force who operate as part of the Galactic Federation protecting 3rd dimensional worlds on their way to ascension. She tells us about some of the perks she’ll have as options once she retires. We get to hear how everyone fights when needed, even the chaplin and the general of the regiment which demonstrates the depth of their commitment to their oath as Oath Keepers.) 

Russ: now you're Lyka right?

Lyka: who else?

Russ: that’s what I thought. You’re going off on a trip right?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: and that’s coming up in April?

Lyka: May.

Russ: May?

Lyka: May.

Russ: all right, we’re not going to see you for six months?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: are we going to get some more fun discs from you? 

(Ed Note: holograms on discs)

Lyka: what type do you want?

Russ: well the ones like middle of the battlefield, battle raging all around, it’s all blacked out but you can really tell what’s going on.

Lyka: maybe.

Russ: and there’s you and like, “oh hi”.

Lyka: yeah, “just taking this opportunity to send you a disk. Things are entertaining, I wish I was at home.”

(Russ laughs)

Russ: well, it should be a little more fun this time.

Lyka: yeah, we’re not going somewhere so hot.

Russ: that’s what I heard..

Lyka: uh-huh, in fact it's apparently a little bit on the chilly side the time that we're going.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: now is this part of the thing where Sirius has……

Lyka: yes.

Russ: an agreement if it can?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: now this goes back to what Omal and myself were talking about…..

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: the Galactic Federation.

Lyka: yes. I am an Oath Keeper.

Russ: hmmm.

Lyka: which gives me certain privileges.

Russ: such as?

Lyka: well I have the right to go wherever I wish. If I want to walk into a Council chamber, I can do that.

Russ: can you be stationed wherever you wish?

Lyka: no.

Russ: okay, so that’s decided for you.

Lyka: yes, they’ve taken away all my rights, all my privileges right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: and in return, when I have finished my service…..

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: and if I decide to do a full service instead of a mandatory service that some people have to go through, I do a volunteer service.

Russ: right.

Lyka: a volunteer service is 300 years minimum.

Russ: wow.

Lyka: but I get the opportunity to do a volunteer service, change it to a mandatory service at any time that I wish.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: when I finish my voluntary service, I have privileges.

Russ: you can take a place anywhere you want?

Lyka: correct, I can go to any base that I want, I can go to any educational facility that I want, I can have a rejuve whenever I want. For example, if I want to be a little girl all over again, I can have my body rejuved to that age.

Russ: whoa.

Lyka: for example, if I want let’s say the president of the Council to be the father of my children……

Russ: that’s a pretty nice responsibility.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and so you still have about another close to 600 years of just retirement?

Lyka: yeah pretty much so.

Russ: that’s not bad.

Lyka: most Oath Keepers stay in until they're 600 years old.

Russ: yeah I can see why.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: you get used to it right?

Lyka: well they become teachers, instructors, commanding officers. They, I think you would call, the commander of our no……general of our regiment?

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: or our army? He is close to 700 years old.

Russ: he’s a lifer.

Lyka: yeah he's a lifer.

Russ: well when you find something you like.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: but he isn’t go into active service anymore.

Lyka: yes he does.

Russ: oh he does?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: at 700?

Lyka: yeah he leads from the front.

Russ: really?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: that’s impressive.

Lyka: we have nobody behind us, everybody fights.

Russ: that’s probably why you always win.

Lyka: uh-huh, everybody fights. The girl that cooks everything, she’s a damn good shot.

Russ: she on the biathlon team?

Lyka: no, she doesn’t like getting cold.

Russ: I was going to say, she should be.

Lyka: the guy in the other platoon, he does the religious things, he’s like you might call a padre?

Russ: yeah.

Lyka: he’s got so many notches on his short sword, it’s ridiculous.

Russ: wow.

Lyka: you don’t want to fence against him. If Mark channels him….

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: and he learns how to use Mark’s body…..

Russ: he would be a pretty fun teacher for sword fencing I’ll bet.

Lyka: uh-huh, he’d whoop the hell out of you.

Russ: I can imagine, oh my God.

Lyka: he’s also a PK head as well.

Russ: wow.

Lyka: uh-huh.