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(The newly elected President Tanaka of Sirius offers the protection of one sister world to another to ensure the conference takes place to create a neutral discussion ground for the various races to meet. He goes over the preliminaries planned and mode of speech to use.) 

Tanaka: greetings Russ and how is it going?

Russ: not bad Omal, yourself?

Tanaka: I must say, I do sound a little like Omal when I am being formal.

Russ: oh.

Tanaka: Tanaka, please.

Russ: Tanaka. Greetings Tanaka.

Tanaka: greetings.

Russ: not many people call me Russ either.

Tanaka: no true, but you are a kinsman

(Tanaka is Kiri and Karra's father, therefore Mark's and my father in law)

Russ: and how are you doing tonight?

Tanaka: I am doing well.

Russ: good.

Tanaka: ok, let me say as a newly elected representative of Sirius, I am honored to be here tonight. As my first official duty I would like to say thank you on behalf of all those who elected me. Now, down to business. What is occurring at this time is a situation of unprecedented possibilities in the consciousness of all humankind on your planet. It is an opportunity for communication between not only third dimensional humans but all extraterrestrial life forms within the galactic sector that has interaction in one capacity or another with your planet. As a representative of Sirius, it is my duty and honor to fulfill an oath, to be part of the oath keeping. Even though I have never been officially trained for this capacity, it is something that has been linked into me from my earliest years as a member of the Sirian Council. The duty that is necessary for me to fulfill this function is to offer the protection of Sirius for your planet to fulfill the oath in a non-intervention capacity which has been drawn up by Ashtar and Sananda. This is to be able to facilitate a neutral discussion ground for the various races to create a harmony so that all the races that are involved, that is the human race, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Zeta Reticuli, the Reptiloids, and any other race that wishes to participate has a free and neutral area in which to discuss the possibilities of a harmonic peace process that will facilitate all race's evolution on a mutually beneficial course where neither parties or none of the parties involved will be harmed in any way by the other parties involved. However, to set up this, we need to first of all have a discussion on how the talks should proceed, what will be covered in the talks, what will not be covered in the talks, how the talks will be set up and in what ways that is mutually agreeable to all the races. So, in the meetings to decide how the discussions on creating this peaceable environment for all parties, it is necessary in the preliminaries to discuss key topics and I will let those be addressed by those most suited to do so. But, the function of the Sirian representatives are to insure peace in the process that no individuals will be interfered with and nothing will change until the main body of the talks start. That is on a separate time schedule from the original concept. Do you have any questions Russell?

Russ: yes. With all parties meeting including ourselves as third dimensional beings, we're are all meeting as equals I take it?

Tanaka: correct.

Russ: okay and so the basic format of the talks and how they'll take place is to establish that principle.

Tanaka: correct.

Russ: okay.

Tanaka: the actual talks themselves will start after the initial negotiations have taken place on the demands and compromises of each race. Until that point, there will be no interference in an extra capacity of the protecting organizations. They will continue as if there is nothing going on. So in essence, nothing changes.

Russ: so our world is still being kept safe by those on Hades Base.

Tanaka: and others.

Russ: and others while those that participate in the talks will still take the opportunity if they so desire to interfere on their own levels as they do now.

Tanaka: it is best to say proceed as they have in the past.

Russ: oh, okay.

Tanaka: first of all, let me address the mode of speech which must be used in the discussion that there is no abductions, that that term must not be used. There is no prevention, no interference. Those terms cannot be used as they imply that one side is an aggressor and one side is a defender. It has to be worded very trickily. As a politician, it is necessary to word things very, very carefully. A wrong word can undo many, many years of hard work or slow down the process very carefully. An inflection, a comment, all of these things have to be weighed very carefully and accurately and precisely before they are put into vocalization or into a medium that is readable.

Russ: okay.

Tanaka: any more questions?

Russ: just the one. I assume then that your daughter will be working with me as far as the communication level to ensure this to happen.

Tanaka: correct.

Russ: okay.

Tanaka: in essence you will be representing the Sirian side as she is being appointed by the President of Sirius as the representative for communication from Sirius. In other words, she will be in constant contact with me. Whenever it is necessary, she will relay all information to me and I will relay information to her that is relevant. Unfortunately, this does take her away from the primary function as a healer. She is in actual fact now representing Sirius on Hades Base. She is as you might say Ambassador Karra Tanaka. She is no longer medic or nurse Karra Tanaka, she is Ambassador from Sirius to Hades Base, Lady Karra Tanaka.

Russ: thank you.

Tanaka: it is an honor to both of you, thank you.