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(Leonedies comes on for one of his longer discussions on his participation of the talks and his hopes for them. He also tells us that Earth will be hosting the talks and why that is such an important factor.) 

Leonedies: greetings and felicitations and welcome. Greetings Skip, greetings Russ and why was she giggling at me? I don't know. Okay, let me start by saying that it is an honor and a pleasure to be able to communicate through the medium of the Internet to relay the information necessary for the spiritual growth and understanding of your planet. My participation in the past and the present is all calculated to be able to achieve a harmonic uplifting on the spiritual level to achieve an ascending advancement for all parties involved. The challenge that I gave at the start of this dissertation, you will insert it at the top, is part of the necessary teaching tools that have been laid out. Even though my part in this discussion is purely as an adviser and an observer, it is necessary for me from time to time to intervene to be able to facilitate and expedite the dialogue necessary for the communication. In achieving the groundwork setup for these dialogues to be able to increase the vibrational frequency of all beings involved in these discussions, it is necessary to motivate. If I was to sit and just be an independent, unbiased observer, then my time involved would expire before the necessary levels and achievements had been set forth. In intervening and in your terminology, a swift kick in the heiny, is to speed up and put back on course these talks that I so dearly would like to see happen in my period involved however, if it is not to happen within my time that I have chosen to be involved, I will leave behind the necessary groundwork and framework for it to continue. Questions.

Russ: in the groundwork that has been laid to this point, how much more of it do we have left to go?

Leonedies: quite a lot, this is just the beginning. The beginning starts with but a single breath, you inhale, it is started. Much has already been done. Much, much more remains to be done. Question.

Russ: okay, well the time schedule is looking much better now.
Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: things are clicking in as far as schedules and being able to find the time necessary to do so and the implementation of it now is that we need to work out a schedule I think that we can maintain. Say for example, we need to accomplish this by this date, that by that date and we need to work out an outline I think of where we'd like to be and if not, we can kind of see where we are and how to improve it.

Leonedies: setting deadlines and dates is not appropriate for this kind of discussion due to the fact that by setting a deadline, and if the deadline is not met due to circumstances beyond your control, then you look bad. If we put approximate deadlines, let us say that the first group should be assembled within a year, first group to start the preliminary discussions on what will be discussed at the discussions for the talks on the setup and the language, then that is acceptable. What I was saying, instead of a year, is a year to a year and a half for the first core group to form to be able to get ready to talk and discuss what will be discussed at the discussions prior to the main talks.

Russ: okay, well would you like to work with me and Karra and any other interested individuals about setting up approximate schedules or we should just leave it up to....?

Leonedies: I will lay down the groundwork, I will talk with Mme. ambassador and yourself and the host and we will lay out the groundwork necessary for a timeline. All times will be approximate.

Russ: of course.

Leonedies: good. I will try to schedule time in between my learning times and my nap nap times.

Russ: okay, that'll work. Mostly we will be able to get an idea of, like a good idea of by doing this.......setting up a procedures that will assist us going into the talks more.

Leonedies: procedure is an inaccurate word, protocols.

Russ: protocols, organization...........we need to organize a little bit better......

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: the time spent and that the things that are done within that time to make it more productive or productive as far as achievements or effort put out toward achievement.

Leonedies: is the term we as in you and myself or we as in a basic overall outlook?

Russ: basic overall outlook.

Leonedies: okay, that is something that you're going to have to be careful about. By saying we, you're implying yourself, you're implying Skip, you are implying the host, you're implying us up here and myself. So that is part of the language that you have to learn to understand.

Russ: right, okay.

Leonedies: let me give you a quick coaching lesson in communicating in a political or a politically motivated environment. I will make a statement. It is necessary for parties involved to lay a groundwork........no, let me restart. It is necessary for the host organization that is hosting these upcoming discussions to lay out a framework which is appropriate for all parties if permissible. You see I have substituted a few key words, we meaning everybody, the host hosting has been substituted.

Russ: there is no host.

Leonedies: there is a host.

Russ: oh, there is a host?

Leonedies: yes, your planet is hosting it......

Russ: ahh.

Leonedies: through its medium of the Internet. See, it is worded very carefully.

Russ: uh-huh.

Leonedies: you have to think about what is said, you do not assume what is said is what is meant.

Russ: okay.

Leonedies: your intestinal track is bubbling.

Skip: yeah, I filled up.

Leonedies: ahhh. Question.

Russ: by the world hosting itself, we're dealing with all the groups involved with the world.

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: now many other worlds besides this as we've talked before will be affected by these talks.

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: at a later point will they be able to be involved in the talks with ours?

Leonedies: well that is the general idea that they will be involved from the get-go. You see the reason why you were selected to be the hosting planet is due to the fact that most of the races that are beings involved in these discussions are involved in your planet one way or another. So therefore it is the ideal meeting ground right in the middle of the involvement area. It would be no good hosting a debate or a discussion on let us say Sirius because that is away from the center of the problem. By addressing it at the center of the problem and having everybody aware of what is going on with all their monitoring equipment, with all their technology, seeing what each party does, may be able to facilitate and speed up the process instead of being as far away as possible in a sterile, neutral environment where it is not seeing what is going on by one party whilst the other party is still doing what it is doing whilst the discussions are going on. So it is important to host it at the location and source of the problem, you understand?

Russ: uh-huh.

Leonedies: okay, question.

Russ: okay, it has been theorized in some of our mass media and among some of the more imaginative groups that discussions between our planet and other races have already been taking place and been going on for many years. How would these talks were this to be true affect those?

Leonedies: not at all.

Russ: okay.

Leo in fact they would augment them.

Russ: ahhh, excellent. Okay.....

Leonedies: question. I see you have none left, okay.

Russ: yeah, none left.

Leonedies: Skip.

Skip: yes?

Leonedies: question?

Skip: no.

Leonedies: no?

Skip: nope.

Leonedies: okay. Did I give you what you wanted?

Russ: uh-huh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Leonedies: okay, now I go off and take my nap nap time.

Russ: okay, thank you Leonedies.

Leonedies: for this purpose, the name will be Daniel.

Russ: yes of course.