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(Leonedies goes over ideas on how to both promote the Conference and get the channels needed to be hosts for the various races involved. He notes he is an 8th dimensional being in a 6th dimensional body speaking through a 3rd dimensional body. That pretty much says it all as to his role in the discussions. He does reveal he has to remember that the thousand years he can see in a blink of an eye will actually take an eon to get here.) 

Leonedies: greetings and felicitations Russ and how are you functioning?

Russ: greetings.

Leonedies: functioning well?

Russ: well quite well, is this Leonedies?

Leonedies: of course.

Russ: of course, it is.

Leonedies: or Daniel of Hades Base.

Russ: as Daniel of Hades Base, yes.

Leonedies: uh-huh. Okay, let us get down and address the business that I think is important and is at hand and it is purely my opinion that I feel that it is important. In doing so we will discuss and look at the outlying and laying down and pulling together of individuals for the upcoming conferences and the importance of this. Now word is slowly seeping around that there is a conference but how do you spread the word faster? Certainly by going into chat rooms is one way, by getting people to go to your webpage is another but, getting in contact with other people of other webpages and making a deal, a compromise much as is laid out in the basic format for the conferences. Now the conferences have been set up to discuss how it is best to achieve the same purpose for the individuals and parties involved. But getting the word out for the conference on your planet, pulling together all the channels that are prepared to be host bodies for this is the hard part. Now you have a format and a place for the conferences. You contact René and ask if it would be possible to place an ad looking for channelers for the conference. It doesn’t matter if you have six Pleiadians, five Zetas, one Sirian and so on. The fact that there is a group of individuals coming together to represent the various races is the important factor. This as been stated in the past is just the start of the beginning of the conferences. This is basically the discussion on how the conferences will go. And for each group it is necessary to lay out what they so desire and what they think that they want and then you start looking at making concessions and maneuvering and manipulation and so on so that all parties are finally happy and can settle down to the serious matter at hand. Now the discussions for the conference to set up may take who knows? 10, 30, 50, 100 years, that is moot, that is a moot point as the discussions themselves will go on for much longer. Do you have any questions?

Russ: yes I do.

Leonedies: okay.

Russ: now in my research on different channels to participate in these conferences, I’m running into a slight problem with finding that most of the people who channel, don’t actually channel other races, in fact, there are very few who actually do. Most of the people who do channel are things like Galactic Council, Ashtar, Sananda, various angels, dead entities, things like that but not really other races.

Leonedies: well these that......the Galactic Councils, they channel individuals as well.

Russ: Ashtar Command councils…

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: we’ve already got them represented.

Leonedies: yes, we do. We are well represented.

Russ: yes, very well.

Leonedies: so it could be one-sided to start off with but as word goes around, it should become more even. You have to remember that Rome wasn’t burnt in a day.

Russ: good point.

Russ: what I would like to do, is get one person of Hades Base…..

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: who can represent the entire conference…..

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: and who could make a very long dissertation about it and present it in a way that could go into here. In other words, the channels in here don’t actually do the same format as we use here where I ask questions and you answer and……

Leonedies: no, they normally have to go through a lot of dissertation and ask a brief question.

Russ: long is a good word for it.

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: correct. So what we need is like a very long dissertation possibly.

Leonedies: I will put out a word to some colleagues and see what we can come up with.

Russ: okay.

Leonedies: okay? You may get contacted over the Internet….

Russ: ahh good.

Leonedies: or you may get contacted through our duly represented…..elected representatives.

Russ: okay.

Leonedies: yes?

Russ: okay. And then do you have a specific role you have assigned yourself for these conferences or just a……

Leonedies: as I stated in the past, that will become clear.

Russ: ahhh, okay. Just checking. Other than that yeah, it’s looking like we’re ready to start.

Leonedies: Russ, to answer your question, being an eighth dimensional being inhabiting a sixth dimensional body speaking through a third dimensional body, I am like a library. That should give you enough of a clue. If my auntie says, if you’re a smart as my auntie says, then all will become clear and you will be able to deduce what my function is. But remember your first guesses are not always the correct guesses, nor are your second, third, fourth or fifth.

Russ: well what specialties do you specialize in? I mean everybody else has kind of specialties and I know you’re a super operant so you kind of specialize in everything but is there anything you’re really good at that we can really focus on sometime?

Leonedies: at a later time.

Russ: all right, fair enough.

Leonedies: now, as it is way past my nap nap time……I have to keep this persona sometimes you know.

Russ: I do understand, thank you Leonedies…..

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: very wonderful chatting with you.

Leonedies: you’re welcome. It is hard sometimes to understand for me that a thousand years is a blink of an eye but an eon at the same time so impatience sometimes plays a part in it hence the reason why I talk fast sometimes. Okay?

Russ: all righty, fair enough.

Leonedies: may your path be lit with love and light and understanding and all the wisdom and knowledge that you wish will come your way.

Russ: thank you.