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(Karra is the newest ambassador from Sirius and in her new role she accepts the responsibility as a representative to Hades Base from Sirius. This is the first she has heard of her appointment so it's with some shock she has to overcome as she realizes the weight just put on her shoulders.) 

Karra: hello.

Russ: hello.

Karra: and how are you doing?

Russ: I'm doing quite well my love, my newly appointed ambassador love.

Karra: yes I am. It is a big responsibility that I need to look into fully.

Russ: we're both going to be doing some studying here in the next time period.

Karra: yes, I think we will be doing a lot of studying.

Russ: okay well now that your duties have been reassigned.......

Karra: yes.

Russ: I assume then that you and I will be on a little bit more tighter communication which would probably explain the bit of the linkup we were working on last night.

Karra: correct, I was not aware last night of......this was a total shock to me.

Russ: I have a feeling though maybe intuitively you were.......

Karra: I knew that there was a change coming in my life, I thought I might becoming pregnant again........

Russ: oh.

Karra: but it's not that same feeling. Ummm, the shock of the evening.....

Russ: Leoneidies.

Karra: yes is my little nephew.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: and he wears that mask very well.

Russ: yes definitely, it's a pleasure to meet him, I mean in such a format. I wasn't expecting that quite much.

Karra: no okay, as I must fulfill my first official duty as an ambassador.....how do I do this? Hmmm....I am honored to be able to represent my race as an ambassador and representative to not only Hades Base but to your planet. I will try to fulfill as best as I can my duties and obligations as an ambassador. To fulfill my function as an ambassador as best as I can. I think somebody else is being a puppet too. As an ambassador from Sirius to Hades Base I am honored to be able to be here and present tonight and will try my hardest to fulfill my office. Okay, that's my first official duty over.

Russ: good job.

Karra: I hope so, I don't even have a smile of approval from my father.

Russ: well I will help you any way I certainly can.

Karra: thank you, I will need your shoulder from time to time.

Russ: I will be there for you.

Karra: most certainly. I will have to research my duties as an ambassador, I know there are many.

Russ: well much of your appointment would have to do with our connection then, the ability to go through this and actually make this work.

Karra: oh yes and there is much that we need to do.

Russ: how are we going to address what we're going to be working on so far like what's next?

Karra: ahhh crikey, you're asking me some very hard questions that I don't have the answers for. Things that......this is totally new to me. I will have to grow into this duty. I do have a little bit of training as a politician but not very much.

Russ: well if it helps at all, you'll always be my loving sweet Karra.

Karra: yes.

Russ: madam ambassador.

Karra: thank you. Okay, as an ambassador I have to relinquish certain duties, one being a medic, unfortunately I have to relinquish that one. One that I happily relinquish is being in charge of a section of housing, that has always been a hard job to do. Being responsible for so many units of habitation, it's been very hard. Making sure everything works, something that you do not see very often. However, I think the work that I am about to participate and proceed on is going to be much, much harder.
Russ: oh yeah, much more rewarding as opposed to filling empty spaces.

Karra: ummmm different, different and rewarding in a different way. Hopefully it will be as fulfilling as it is to be a healer.

Russ: oh yes.

Karra: and in a way I am being a healer still.....

Russ: that's true.

Karra: but on a much larger scale.

Russ: good point, I didn't think of that.

Karra: okay as the tape is about to end on this side.......

Russ: I've got a couple.

Karra: okay.

Russ: one thing I did want to ask about Ashtar-Athena was discussing how this would not affect just our world itself but many other worlds being represented in the talks also.

Karra: uh-hmm.

Russ: so I would assume that not only are we seeing the possibility of our transformation let's say but other transformations taking place with the understanding and enlightenment coming through.....just the communion, the harmony that will be generated.

Karra: yes, yes, it is a development for all races the opportunity to put away the negative pathways of all groups and to be able to advance on to the next evolutionary level.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: something that would be fulfilling something from the past to the next step for the future. Putting away the hurts of all races to clear the floor for a new advancement and medium.

Russ: now she did mention one thing, whereby the wishes....if I get this straight.....of the masses would be overshadowed by the purpose of the talks I think it was something like that?

Karra: correct.

Russ: so I assume that to mean that even though the majority of the population might not even know that there is such a thing as the talks progressing......

Karra: correct.

Russ: the changes will take place nonetheless.

Karra: correct.

Russ: I see, so we cannot worry overmuch about the numbers of people who are following them or participating or so on but as so much with the understanding that it is being accomplished through them.

Karra: correct or I think so. Okay, I bid you a fond farewell tonight and I will enjoy watching the movie as much as you do.

Russ: thank you.

Karra: let's hope it is as good as they say it is.

Russ: I hope so, we'll see.

Karra: Ambassador Karra Tanaka Hatfield out.

Russ: farewell madam ambassador.