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(Leonedies presents the welcoming letter he has created to be sent to those who have chosen to be a part of the channelers representing the various species stating the goals that are hoped to be achieved. We also discuss some of the conference setup.) 

Leonedies: greetings and felicitations and welcome to this session. It is my honor and duty to be able to slow down and talk.

Russ: thank you Daniel.

Leonedies: okay. Part of the upcoming talks revolves around the importance to be able to set up the conference itself. (Russ sneezes) With the creation of a neutral environment that is non-irritating to the nasal capacities, a sterile environment within the Internet where interference from external sources cannot be injected into the system and that also the parties can continue the debate on a timescale that is not constrained by actual physical time. One of the interesting parts of your Internet is that time does not really matter. Whether it's a few seconds or a few hours, a discussion in your system can continue indefinitely. I believe you call them notice boards?

Russ: bulletin boards.....

Leonedies: something like that. Part of the setup has to be in this format and also part has to be in a dialogue facility where a predetermined rendezvous time is set up and the parties involved get together and discuss the necessary preparations for the conference. The conference itself is on a timetable which is very flexible. This is a key element to being able to communicate in a way that will be of utmost benefit for all the parties involved and those parties that wish to join in once the dialogue has opened. So it would also be beneficial not only to have a area where individuals that are involved in the discussions can post comments and notes, but also an area where what is being discussed can be read and perused at an individual's leisure but in chronological order and sequence of whence it happened. Okay now, moving to a much more important matter:  

"Dear (insert name here), it is with honor and pleasure that on behalf of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light, I humbly request your indulgence and ability to peruse the information and forward it to the sources that you communicate with. This information will be of beneficial enlightenment for all parties concerned. We humbly request that you join us in a debate for the advancement and development of a species that is in the important changeover from one form to another. It is important that we come to an understanding and work with a common goal for this development of this species and of more importance is that we put aside the past animosities and dealings that we have had in the past to work for this purpose of advancing this race. It is our duty to offer to you a area where we can discuss freely the best way to proceed with the advancement of this species to a level that is comparable to ours. It is also important that we discuss openly and if necessarily, bluntly what is beneficial, not just for the species that we are dealing with in a capacity, but for all of us that are involved in this advancement of this one species. To this purpose, I extend the hand of friendship and offer the opportunity to discuss through the medium of the Internet of this species the best way to proceed with the evolvement of a new species into a area of enlightenment and intelligence of a higher level. I humbly hope that you accept this offer and that we may continue a discussion that is beneficial for all concerned."

And then you would put down your name Russ as part of the process, Scribe to Ashtar Command, Hades Base and also put down the channeling party's name and those that wish to be involved on our part. Okay now then, getting back to more frivolous matters, I understand we have a new person present tonight. My name is Daniel although my real name is Leonedies which will become clear later. I am pleasure to meet your acquaintance young lady.

Laura: thanks too.

Russ: this is Laura.

Leonedies: I understand you are not feeling too well in your throat. My auntie is a healer, I suggest that you talk to her about some things that may be able to clear your irritation in your throat area. It is also necessary for me to welcome you to joining us at this time. If I seem to be talking too fast I do apologize, sometimes my mind works faster then the vocal cords and they try to keep up I can't understand why, it is confusion for me. So if you can bear with me with these moments occur and I will try to slow down when my mind slows down. In the meantime I will answer any questions you wish.

Laura: how do I contact your aunt in regards to this information?

Leonedies: she will be along shortly.

Laura: very good, I appreciate it.

Leonedies: and I do not understand the humor coming from Skip over there.

Skip: I just was wondering when you take a breath.

Leonedies: ummm, about every 60 years or so.

Skip: (chuckles) that's what I figured because the way you talk, I'm sorry, it's just kind of a personal joke okay?

Leonedies: okay, well you do have a slower thought process than I do.

Skip: I understand that.

Leonedies: I'm being a little condescending and facetious, please forgive me but it is sometimes amusing for myself to be able to do that. Next question please.

Russ: you mentioned a neutral, sterile environment on the Internet in which to conduct the talks using both bulletin boards and discussion forums.

Leonedies: uh-hmm.

Russ: in doing so then, should it be something set up therefore where all parties are given passwords and access is granted only through the use of those passwords into those areas to post messages or enter into the discussion groups so other outside influences cannot enter?

Leonedies: I believe that would be self-evident that passwords would be necessary to prevent tampering of other individuals posting frivolous and inane and unimportant messages on there that may be attributed to other individuals. It is important that those individuals have a access that is unrestricted however the viewing public access must be restricted to only viewing only. The individuals that post information and bulletin notes on the bulletin board, it is obviously self-evident that they would need passwords to be able do this, is that not correct?

Russ: true, the one problem I've got is that the discussion forum is fairly easy due to the fact that it will be run in a similar fashion in the way that our thing with Spirit Chat is set up now with the Hades Base room where you need a password to get in. The bulletin board part I haven't quite got figured out because I hadn't realized we were going to go that route but I'll put some effort into that this week and see what I come up with.

Skip: uhhh question if you don't mind.

Russ: hmmm?

Skip: how are you going to get this password to these people so they can get into this bulletin board?

Russ: just email it.

Skip: email?. Oh okay, all right.

Russ: yeah, I am hoping everyone's got computers. So far, so good. When you mentioned after your address to the person that we are bringing on from the various groups, Scribe to Ashtar Command of Hades Base as presented by Daniel of Hades Base?

Leonedies: that would work, that would be satisfactory.

Russ: all right, that will work. Okay, and then the flexible time frame is no problem and we'll just have to work on also on getting it posted in various different places. The discussion forum themselves will just have to be entered in later on because those will be real-time. I'll need to enter those in as a adjusted format we can work with.

Leonedies: correct. Okay more questions?

Russ: that's all I can think of right now.

Skip: no thank you.

Laura: none, thank you.

Leonedies: have you tried ice water for that?

Laura: cool things seem to help in that it cools down the inflammation, ice water would be a good thing yes.

Leonedies: Russ, put a glass of water in the freezer please...

Russ: coming up.

Leonedies: and I will depart, thank you.

Russ: all right, thank you.