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(Ashtar is on the base to ask some questions pertaining to choosing a Sirian representative for the Conference. Our answers are to be used in making an informed decision from those whose planet will be most affected by the talks.) 

Ashtar: greetings and felicitations. It is an honor and a pleasure to be here this evening in a communication that we will now commence with. It has been brought to my attention that contact has been established with a Zeta group which is part of our design planned for expediting the current conferences which will be starting in a brief period of time. The definition of brief is a statement which is in our perception different from your definition of brief. Whether it is one year or a hundred years is besides the point whilst that is a brief moment in time. The purpose of these discussions will become more clear even though there is a little bit of negativity and hostility being projected by the Zeta Reticuloids and their reptilian allies. It is with difficulty that these hurdles must be overcome to facilitate a speedy and understandable communication which will be able to aid in the growth of the spiritual consciousness of your planet. We are not going to take a moral high road or a moral low road, we are going to react in a way that will facilitate the growth for all people for the best possible outcome for all parties involved. The spiritual growth that is necessary for your planet is something that all parties involved must help. We are here to ask a number of questions. First of all the first question is, where do you perceive your spiritual consciousness going?

Russ: at present, I personally see our spiritual consciousness growing toward a higher dimension to make an evolutionary leap.

Ashtar: is that as a individual your personal beliefs or as a whole as in a racial belief?

Russ: that is my personal feelings for us as a race.

Ashtar: okay but what is the race feeling? We have three representatives here, what is your feelings?

Skip: from what I can gather and what I've seen happen in the last 10 to 15 years which is a moment in your time I understand, but it appears to me that more and more and more of our world is becoming to the point of where they're talking about seeing the light which is spiritual growth as far as I can see.

Ashtar: okay second question, young man, do you have anything as you are the youngest member here that you wish to comment on concerning your perception of spiritual growth?

Shane: uh-uh.

Ashtar: nothing at this time?

Shane: no, nothing.

Ashtar: okay. Okay second question is concerning what is the perception of the various racial entities and the groups involved in these discussions? Again, I would like an answer from each of you please.

Russ: okay, the Zeta Reticuli have got a almost what you might call media blitz going whereby they are presented as the one and only alien species that is out there working for either the benefit or the non-benefit of humans depending on which particular thing you see. On a racial level, other species just aren't really represented in any kind of media or any kind of presentation so it's really kind of one-sided right now on a racial basis down here of how people perceive other races.

Skip: now wait a minute, can I ask a question so I can understand this a little bit better? Are you talking about the racial entities on our planet or how we perceive other races within the universe?

Ashtar: the other races within the universe.

Skip: ahhh okay. I really don't know, I really can't give you an answer on that. It's a little bit beyond my comprehension at the present time.

Ashtar: young man?

Shane: I don't have anything to say.

Ashtar: okay. With it in mind that there seems to be a perception in some quarters that there is a media quote unquote blitz going on with one particular species, then this may present a problem in being able to get more individuals active within the negotiation process. How would you feel about a entity that is more humanoid in appearance?

Russ: I think it would reflect well on the talks themselves as people would respond better to that as opposed to something that is more unhuman-like due to the fact that really the only other unhuman-like alien you ever really see perceived are kind of really etheric.

Skip: yeah theoretically through our media or whatever they've perceived other races or other beings as completely alien to our sight, communications, whatever. To have a humanoid more representative or appearance in humanoid form would probably further the talks a lot faster than having a nonhuman form okay?

Ashtar: okay. Young man?

Shane: nope.

Ashtar: no comment at this time, okay. With that in mind, somebody that would be more of a humanoid quote earthling appearance would be much more suitable than somebody of a more ethereal appearance so therefore for your ease of mind and that of your species, it would be easier to have an individual that sounded and looked more as you do, is that correct?

Russ: correct.

Shane: uh-huh.

Skip: yes, I believe you're correct there yeah.

Ashtar: okay, thank you, I have nothing to add at this time.

Skip: okay.