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(Omal explains how the representative from Sirius is to be sequestered on the base and the goals the Conference are laid out by him. It's the technicalities of the setup that he has his mind on and how the Sirians are planning a safe zone around the Earth.) 

Russ: anyway, I do have a technical question about this whole entire conference thing.

Omal: certainly.

Russ: with the extra people working.....

Skip: backups?

Russ: backups.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: doesn't that make the problem of arranging this just a little bit longer and a little more complicated?

Omal: correct.

Russ: I was starting to wonder about the technicalities of it all.

Omal: that is something that will be dealt with as we continue. At the moment the main concern of our visiting dignitaries was to find an individual that would be suitable from Sirius to represent Sirius to the discussions. Somebody that would have the best interests with the most fair and even attitude available. Somebody that would be able to work well within the environment, to be able to, what would be a better word? To be the ideal candidate to represent the interests of Sirius but also be fair, to be able to negotiate well by knowing your mentalities.

Russ: so we might have him for a channeling speaker quite a few times?

Omal: probably.

Russ: okay.

Omal: but there again, I also get the impression that that would not be the case as that would be influencing the individual.

Skip: yeah, that's what they brought up before, they don't want anybody that's had contact with us to be influenced by our mental capacities and our prejudices and so on and so forth.

Omal: that does bring up an interesting dilemma on our part that we will probably have to create a non-earth area on the base for this individual.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: so it would be difficult to keep this individual unbiased otherwise.

Skip: that's going to be a tough one for you guys.

Omal: oh it is something that we have worked with before. Sequestering individuals.....this is one that will be definitely for longer-term that just a few days to a few months.

Skip: bringing up the subject that Russ brought up too, is that individual going to have a backup just in case anything ever happens to him or her per se?

Omal: more than likely yes.

Skip: uh-huh, but that would be a wise move too.

Omal: ideally it would be useful to have backups for each individual but again I am not involved in that part.

Skip: yeah I understand that. But that would be a very, very intelligent move, it really would be.

Omal: I believe it is something that we, or let me rephrase that, the Sirians are already looking at.

Skip: got it, got it.

Omal: in the upcoming discussions, you must remember that this is the early stages prior to the discussions which will lead up to the conference.

Skip: trying to put everything together to try to satisfy everybody and make sure that nothing happens, I understand where you're coming from.

Omal: correct, the way it works to elaborate is that there are three clear stages. There is the stage where we get all the representatives together. There is the stage where they discuss how the conference will go, what the objectives and the goals of the conference are and then finally the actual conference itself with a start, a middle and hopefully an end.

Skip: and then some kind of an agreement....

Omal: correct.

Skip: that would satisfy everybody in the end.

Omal: from the impressions that I get is that the Sirians wish to be able to make earth a no abduction zone where all species watch and cooperate, trade information, learn from each other, learn about the species that we're trying to aid in its spiritual growth, interact with that species in a way that will only be an exchange of information or giving of information without any contact which would be detrimental, perceived detrimental reaction from other individuals.

Skip: no transfer of prejudices and so on and so forth.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: does that go on the webpage?

Omal: probably, probably as that would be something I will have to run through...

Russ: I think you're tipping your hand sort of.

Omal: I don't think we are, this is what we wish and so therefore it is something that can be negotiated. It is something I will have to clear with other individuals.

Russ: of course.

Skip: okay, I understand where you're coming from.

Omal: okay.

Skip: okay. That's going to be a tough one, that's going to be a tough one.

Omal: I am in a very awkward position.

Skip: yes it is, it's awkward for you and it's awkward for anybody that's coming in contact with us.

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: and it's going to be a very, very, very difficult decision to make, to pick the people and talk to the people and get it setup.......wow.

Omal: well fortunately we will just be hopefully hosting two individuals from Sirius that will be kept apart from the other non-Hades residents which is unfortunate.

Skip: your end is........from your point of view is going to be just I think is fine. What I'm looking at is the representatives from earth is going to be a bugger.

Omal: oh I think it will be a difficult challenge but one that will bear fruition later on as a whole.

Skip: it's going to be a real difficult decision to make.

Omal: oh most certainly, most certainly and fortunately it is not one that I have to make.

Skip: well I'm glad I'm not making it.

Russ: well upon that same note though, where do we go from this point? We have contact, we have preparations to make, do we continue on as if what Skip and Ashtar were talking about? Will it be in the future but what we were talking about before is now in the go?

Omal: as far as I know that is correct, it is something that I will have to discuss with Ashtar and the releasing of the information. Okay, any more questions?

Skip: no, not at this time. Russ?

Russ: uh-uh, I'm good.

Skip: Shane?

Shane: uh-uh.

Skip: okay. Thank you.

Russ: thank you.

Omal: you're welcome. Live long, prosper and I'll be back.