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(Omal gives one of his classic talks on time perceptions but that isn’t all. He explains how dimensional levels differ in how they are perceived. We look at how the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions interact to create reality. He also describes how he views time from alternate ways than just linear being a 7th dimensional being. We also get his best explanation of déjà vu.) 

Russ: so how are you this evening?

Omal: I am doing well, I am a little disappointed that Monka and Ashtar-Athena are not present.

Russ: well they're probably busy doing higher dimensional stuff.

Omal: yes. It is something that even I have noticed that higher than myself, the dimensional beings work on a totally different timescale and as I believe Leonedies pointed out, that a second can seem like an eternity and a year can seem like a moment, a flash of light.

Russ: well wouldn't also the fact that they are higher dimensional beings be teaching with their actions as well as their words? For example teaching us patience?

Omal: yes, yes, very, very likely.

Russ: and being able to understand I suppose have an openness of mind for those who……

Omal: work on a different timescale.

Russ: correct.

Omal: that is correct, that is what I’m trying to say, I’m trying to lead you to the correct conclusion without leading you too hard.

Russ: right, yeah and I've seen this before, with especially with people like Sananda…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: where actions are actually used more than phrases are.

Omal: well actions are a stronger learning tool.

Russ: right.

Omal: on the higher dimensions, we can relay information in a nanosecond the whole entire discussion that you had with Tia and as far up to this point with myself, I could relay to Korton, Sananda, Monka, Athena, anyone, in a nanosecond.

Russ: but doesn’t that…..you have hundreds of thousands of years available and if you’re passing along stuff in nanoseconds, doesn’t that kind of make things tough to watch go by? Smelling the roses kind of thing?

Omal: what is Leonedies' explanation, I just gave it to you?

Russ: right, being able to sit there and smell the roses.

Omal: no.

Russ: or daisies.

Omal: no.

Russ: oh, well teaching by example.

Omal: a second can seem like an eternity.

Russ: right, oh that’s right. So a nanosecond seems like hundred eternities.

Omal: no a nanosecond is..

Russ: or is less then, yeah.

Omal: correct.

Russ: right. Hmm, must be a higher then theredness to it I don’t quite comprehend.

Omal: yes, it seems to be alluding you the fact that oh, name for the recording tonight?

Russ: uh-huh?

Omal: time management.

Russ: good.

Omal: as it seems to be a key issue that controlling and understanding that people work on different timescales, even on your planet people look at things in different time ways.

Russ: true.

Omal: "tomorrow, I will take care of it tomorrow, I will take care of it next week, my investments will come in next year, in 10 years, in 50 years I plan to be retired and 20 years is a long time." You are 38, "my, that is a long time." All these things are time management, looking at time in a different way. The structure of the thought processes is very linear. It is not third dimensional......I don’t mean third dimensional as in your space, your reality, I mean as in seeing things in a third dimensional way and thinking in a third dimensional way.

Russ: right. Well, being around you and the others of Hades Base have given us a lot more sense of time in the fact that when we deal with things like Atlantis or even your lifetime….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: we're looking back on history, big, huge chunks of history that can’t even conceived by just yesterday or the day before, add on a million other days before that to get to that point.....

Omal: yes, correct.

Russ: and yet look at that in one big chunk.

Omal: a good example on how three dimensional thinking works into everyday life. Okay, my hand is yours to move, tell me where to move it.

Russ: move it to your chest.

Omal: okay, tell me where to move it now.

Russ: on top of your other hand.......yeah.

Omal: okay, it’s moved across. Okay now move it again.

Russ: to your forehead.

Omal: okay.

Russ: one more? Your left shoulder......left shoulder.

Omal: okay, now, how did you move everything from its original start point? You started off very promisingly. You moved it down to the chest, to the other hand, to the left shoulder.

Russ: forehead then left shoulder.

Omal: forehead, left shoulder.

Russ: right.

Omal: now what is all of that?

Russ: that is a linear movement of your hand.

Omal: that is all two dimensional thinking.

Russ: yeah.

Omal: except for moving it down. Why not move it from here higher, full extension of the arm?

Russ: hmm.

Omal: why not move diagonally down to the shoulder? Move diagonally to above the pelvis?

Russ: well because I suppose I see it as the hand needing to be on certain parts your body to give it a certain definite place of being.

Omal: yes but it is a two dimensional thinking processes.

Russ: well I see that now yeah, now that you point that out.

Omal: so everything is linear and two dimensional in the thinking processes. Turning it into a third dimensional thinking process is part of learning the management of time. The fact that timescales mean that thinking processes are different. For example, let us take a third dimensional being. You have just pointed out admirably that they think linearly and two dimensionally.

Russ: sure.

Omal: if you were to ask Kiri, I am sure that Kiri would have the hand moving different heights and moving around at different angles and levels which is three dimensional thinking. Kiri is older, Kiri has the knowledge of her Akashic records.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: Kiri understands three dimensional thinking. It is not just a third dimensional thought pattern that limits the thinking processes, individuals in a specific line of employment have to think in different ways. For example, take a pilot, a third dimensional pilot........

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: they are in a third dimensional environment.

Russ: true.

Omal: if they go down, if they go up, if they go to the sides, it is all part of their thinking processes and it is to do with their environment. Your environment, even though it is three dimensional, is two dimensional.

Russ: yeah, it's based on linear experience.

Omal: correct. You stand up, you are on a flat plane, you walk forward, you walk backwards, you walk from side to side, you are still dealing on a two dimensional thought pattern. Experience in time changes that to going up, going down, going up diagonally, going down diagonally and all the various, different variations within that. If you were to draw a sphere around you or create a sphere around you and move that sphere through a three dimensional world and do with that sphere with you in it as you wish, then your thought processes would be limited to the experiences within that sphere and the movements there capable.

Russ: true.

Omal: it is like a glass of water, it does not think of anything else but being a glass of water and all the movements thereof. If you look at things on your planet, they are very two dimensional in their avenues of movement. Backwards, forwards, side to side, various angles thereof. But if you were to look at the bird, the bird has to think three dimensionally, up, down, side to side, backwards and forwards.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: so the environment plays an important role within the experiences and time again plays within that......yes feline, you wish to talk? Okay, you wish to run........so you see how the thought processes change with environmental factors and the environmental factors also work with time.

Russ: well now you mention time but time is a fourth dimensional reality….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and we're speaking on second and third dimensional realities. Where does the fourth dimensional reality interact and…..

Omal: because it is a linear action, one event follows another, going forward in a line.

Russ: but that’s third dimensional concepts of a fourth dimensional reality…..

Omal: correct.

Russ: which is presented in a two dimensional reality.

Omal: correct so it dovetails in nicely.

Russ: true, so it depends on the dimensional reality you perceive things in determines...

Omal: yes.

Russ: the dimensional reality that you are talking about.

Omal: that is correct. That for me, I can look back in time, I can look forward in time, I can look to the sides.

Russ: okay, could we quickly just put a little emphasis on that part and how that's accomplished or what you see?

Omal: how do you mean, looking to the sides?

Russ: yeah.

Omal: alternate realities, alternate timelines, alternate existences, those are to the side.

Russ: okay.

Omal: if you remember when we discussed time a while back.

Russ: oh yeah.

Omal: we explained it like a strand of string……

Russ: right.

Omal: intertwined with lots of other strands of string.

Russ: yeah, it gives you a headache thinking about it.

Omal: well, you maybe.

Russ: me, maybe yeah.

Omal: if you were to take all those strands and lay them out side to side apart from the fact that it would go on indefinitely in either direction, you would be able to look to one side or the other side, to be connected and aware of those alternative existences, those alternative parallel universes running concurrently.

Russ: but the question is and I suppose this is a third dimensional person talking on a two dimensional reality, what difference does it make?

Omal: none whatsoever.

Russ: ahh, okay.

Omal: you cannot move from one to another.

Russ: well that clears up that because I was what just wondering what purpose that could have for me, none whatsoever.

Omal: none whatsoever.

Russ: I understand the reality of it because you’ve explained it enough…..

Omal: yes.

Russ: but I never saw the purpose for needing that ability to see in those directions.

Omal: there really isn’t a need to except for the fact that some are ahead of others and some are behind of others. Now when you look into the future or people claim to look into the future that have a high accuracy rate, they are seeing things that are already happening on parallel universes that are ahead.

Russ: would this explain déjà vu possibly?

Omal: to a certain extent yes.

Russ: ohhh, well that’s a much better explanation than the one I just gave yesterday.

Omal: okay, let us hear your explanation.

Russ: well my explanation was that if you’re standing on that string of line we talked about and in front of you are all these millions and trillions of possibilities that could happen and you subconsciously create for yourself one that you wish to happen and it turns out to be exactly like the experience that you have months later. But yours is much better because you see actually the parallel lifetime that actually is happening….

Omal: correct.

Russ: therefore, when it happens, but how did you get on that parallel lifetime? Just a particular change in a decision that you made?

Omal: no, it is a…..you’re not changing paths, you’re still on your path, you're still on your piece of string.

Russ: but you're viewing another path.

Omal: correct and you are getting a glimpse of it.

Russ: ahh good call, that’s a way better explanation, I like that one.

Omal: well I endeavor to please. But you are quite correct that the way of looking at things is very different. I look at things not as one following another but certainly that is a way of looking at things and that is the way I do look at things from time to time. At present I do not look at one thing following another. I am happy and surprised when one thing does follow another, it is no longer necessary for me to do so. You understand?

Russ: uh-huh which is quite a good point.

Omal: yes it is, it serves a very useful purpose.

Russ: oh yes, absolutely. This is something that like I say has bothered me for 30 plus years and you’ve given me the explanation in a minute but I don’t know, it just clears everything up, it’s like a light got turned on.

Omal: yes but those is 30 plus years are but of the blink of an eye.

Russ: aye, true.

Omal: but yet there again, they are also an eternity.

Russ: hmmm. Now see, I see it as one package of time, 30 plus years is all basically just that set between one point and the point I'm at now.

Omal: that is linear thinking.

Russ: correct. Now how do I go beyond that? Take that 30 plus years and go beyond that to a third dimensional thought process on that space of time?

Omal: to tell you how to do it would take more time then…..if we could communicate the way that I do up here with other seven dimensional and eighth dimensional beings and higher, it would be explained now. Unfortunately, because it is a whole mindset and experience set, it would take a long time to explain. We could start right now and we would not be finished by this time tomorrow.

Russ: Jesus. Okay, well we’ll hold off on that little explanation then.

Omal: but to give you a brick to start your building…

Russ: okay.

Omal: think of other alternatives to something. Instead of thinking if I put one step forward, the other step will follow, if I put one step forward, what happens?”

Russ: hmm, an interesting problem or possibility you’ve brought up, yes.

Omal: okay, I put one step down on the ground, the ground pushes back on my foot pushing up.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: I apply pressure, a pressure is applied back.

Russ: interesting.

Omal: that now puts a third dimensional aspect into a two dimensional equation.

Russ: true, that which take as a common everyday occurrence, is now become uncommon and extraordinary.

Omal: correct, that is your brick.

Russ: thank you, excellent way to perceive reality.

Omal: and an excellent way to finish.

Russ: indeed, thank you Omal.

Omal: you are welcome.
