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(Taal stops by for a social visit but first explains how he flies while on duty and gets a lesson on the politics of business in the 3rd dimension. He also tells of how his child is learning to be pilot and what the steps he has to go through. He explains how members of a family can’t serve in the same squadron and why which brings up the question of what he would do if he wasn’t needed on the base.) 

Taal: attention.

Russ: hey, good evening Taal.

Taal: be seated. 

Russ: I'll come over here where it's easier.

Taal: okay. This is a social visit.

Russ: well excellent.

Taal: it is been a while has it not?

Russ: it has been a while.

Taal: good and having been of a while, talk I thought would be good with you.

Russ: oh thank you, I agree. How have you been?

Taal: I am being well and how have you being?

Russ: busy.

Taal: yes.

Russ: probably as busy as you have.

Taal: so hear I understand.

Russ: yes, but I'm sure you've been on long patrols yourself.

Taal: yes, and hard part of long patrol is being aware at all of time.

Russ: this is also being away from your family?

Taal: yes but not thinking of family but thinking of survival.

Russ: missions and.......

Taal: correct, of being eyes open.

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: you call situation awareness name of what is important?

Russ: yes S.A.

Taal: correct. Situation awareness being of primary importance. Even with all technology that we have, eyes are important, being aware of what is around me.

Russ: don't you have sensors that detect things that are around you also?

Taal: correct. But what do you need to perceive sensors?

Russ: your eyes?

Taal: of course. It is not sitting in couch waiting for computer to tell, it is looking at things and seeing.

Russ: hmm.

Taal: important you know?

Russ: very much so.

Taal: but enough of duty.

Russ: okay.

Taal: as I said, social visit no?

Russ: yes.

Taal: okay and how is your social being?

Russ: not much of a social being right now, working too much.

Taal: that is sad.

Russ: well not too sad, I'm having fun.

Taal: tell me.

Russ: well, for example, the ski resort I work at where I get to meet all kinds of people all day long coming up and having fun.

Taal: yes.

Russ: so I get to talk to them and enjoy their time that they're having while I'm enjoying my time with them. So it's not sitting behind a desk or trying to stay bored, I'm actually having a good time with it.

Taal: that is being of good no?

Russ: yeah, that's sort of social you could say.

Taal: yes.

Russ: I'm getting paid for it.

Taal: yes I would understand that that is what you would need. And other business?

Russ: the theater. The theater's been a little hectic being we had to lose my assistant manager and have new one so I'm training.

Taal: why?

Russ: well she was rude to a customer and where at the theater it's customer service where it's not like you meet a Zeta (Reticuli) and you have to say for example, "Hi, welcome to our planet. Come on in, watch a movie."

Taal: ahh..

Russ: and if the Zeta has a bad attitude but you still have to be very nice to Mr. Zeta.......

Taal: ahh.

Russ: see, you can't sit there and blow them away.

Taal: so, no matter how misunderstanding Mr. Zeta is?

Russ: you have to be kind, polite and right.

Taal: hmmm, odd philosophy.

Russ: very odd philosophy.

Taal: sometimes part of nature from what Madam ambassador says, it is necessary for humans to let people know that they have overstepped bounds?

Russ: hm-hmm, yeah which is exactly where my assistant manager went wrong by stating that.

Taal: but that is if Madam ambassador correct is what is right.

Russ: correct. Right, I don't agree with what happened.

Taal: so I do not understand why person would be penalized for doing what is natural.

Russ: there it gets a little complicated because of politics and the need for a positive community outlook for our theaters, there can be no perception of our being anything less than polite.

Taal: politics and politeness same?

Russ: same sometimes, in this case they are.

Taal: you talk of in your workplace politics, I do not follow.

Russ: that would be whereby the owner of the company wishes to have a certain perception of our business sent out to the public even though it is not a correct way in my opinion of our rights of being abused by our various customers. And so anything that does not reflect that positive perception is seen as a negative and those persons are let go.

Taal: I do not understand why politic would be involved in that.

Russ: mostly because it's a point where you are right in everything you do but you're still wrong.

Taal: that is not politic, politic are people elected to do work for the public? I do not understand how that would be politics.

Russ: well politics is a term that we use sometimes when people in higher authority are abusing their power.

Taal: hmmm.

Russ: it's a phrase you could say, it's not actually means the same thing as the earth term for politics, it's merely something that we use to describe infighting, people getting pushed around by higher authority beings.

Taal: do not understand.

Russ: don't worry, I don't understand it either so you're in the same boat I am.

Taal: ahhh. I just wish to understand better what is meant by politics.

Russ: politics. Hmm okay, for example, and this is only an example okay? Let's say that you as a squadron leader sent your pilots out to come down and have a big party on earth okay? And basically you knew that what you are doing is wrong as the policy of Ashtar Command.

Taal: uh-huh.

Russ: but it's something that you wanted to do for your people okay? Those in higher authority would then come down and censor you or penalize you for your actions.

Taal: which is correct.

Russ: which is correct but what we do is if that happens, is that we call that politics sometimes.

Taal: no, that is policy.

Russ: policy right. Policy and politics sometimes run into the same thing.

Taal: hmmm.

Russ: okay let's say this, let's say that there is a.....let's say that Katrina (his bond mate) is somebody in your squadron okay? And you give her special favors.

Taal: that is impossible.

Russ: I know but I'm just, this is an example okay? And you tell her that she can now go ahead and become a squadron leader because she is your bond mate.

Taal: I cannot do that.

Russ: I know you can't but let's say if you did, and everybody below her saw that you were moving her up without a reason, we would call that politics.

Taal: hmmm.

Russ: because you used your power to advance her without her actually being worthy of that position yet.

Taal: hmmm. Do not understand, it will give me quandary.

Russ: it's the best I can do to explain it.

Taal: but it is something that I would not do?

Russ: yeah, it's an abuse of power.

Taal: and I'm not capable of doing.

Russ: right, but down here on third dimension, it happens a lot, a very lot so we have to put a term to it and we call it politics because they're are abusing their power which a lot of politicians on third dimension do.

Taal: yes, so I hear.

Russ: right so we call that politics and if you're a boss and you do the same thing, that's politics. You're being political because you're abusing your power.

Taal: hmmm. I will have to try to understand this being more.

Russ: well it's a third dimensional thing so I wish you lots of luck. Like I said, I witness it all the time and I still don't understand it.

Taal: maybe it would be better if I tried not to understand it.

Russ: it probably would be.

Taal: it seems to be a consciousness of being?

Russ: right.

Taal: to be misguided?

Russ: it's a lesson that people go through to learn how abuse of power is something that needs to be weaned out of their system. 

Taal: hmmm.

Russ: and some people learn it sooner than others do.

Taal: of all people I know that are in command positions? 

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: I have never seen or heard or witnessed of this.

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: even most youngest.

Russ: but all of them are sixth dimensional beings or higher (talks to the cats). Get off of their you guys. So they already understand, they've already been through those lessons. They had to go to those lessons to get to sixth dimension.

Taal: true.

Russ: so when they were on third dimension or even if you were on the third dimension, you might of had to go through these lessons at some point.......

Taal: that is more than possible.

Russ: right, to get to where you're at. So therefore we still here on third dimension are going through those lessons to get to be where you are.

Taal: hmmm, very misguided concept.

Russ: true but it's a good learning experience for us.

Taal: hmmm, best not to pursue or try to understand as it is mindset that's...is negative and feeds backs in on itself.

Russ: uh-huh, true.

Taal: I believe you have expression, "what goes around, around comes back and a back?"

Russ: right, "what goes around comes around."

Taal: yes, something of that.

Russ: correct, absolutely. So by the way, how's your little one?

Taal: little one doing well. Little one asking many questions and doing what little one's do when have time with mini vessel.

Russ: oh, he's got a mini vessel?

Taal: it is like your vehicles that little ones of your planet use feet to propel?

Russ: oh yeah, little pedal cars.

Taal: yes.

Russ: oh, so he's being a pilot in training kind of?

Taal: yes. I, when very little had one.

Russ: oh......Katrina had one?

Taal: all of us that are of flight or wish to be of my world have one. 

Russ: wow.

Taal: it is necessary for us to be fulfilling our being.

Russ: so they have little pedal car formations and stuff?

Taal: in essence yes. Little vehicle propelled by feet not propelled by feet only.

Russ: oh by mind?

Taal: part of communication. Nature of symbiosis of my ship and heart of my ship part of myself.

Russ: ahhh.

Taal: way it works is of little one having feet propelled little craft with hand control and mini unit that communicates with pedal vessel?

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: is forever the start on the way.

Russ: ahhh, do they wear helmets?

Taal: mini helmets.

Russ: mini helmets.

Taal: made for part of upper head and back of head.

Russ: wow how neat.

Taal: so mini helmets will grow to become replaced by full helmets.

Russ: wow.

Taal: mini unit will be taken and put into bigger unit and bigger unit.

Russ: oh so they grow into their vehicles....vessels.

Taal: yes it is necessary for us to do so.

Russ: I didn't know that, that is neat.

Taal: my ship, even damaged, is part of me. Most precious part of my ship is myself. Not my physical self but self that in storage of myself. You understand not.

Russ: yeah, like your little....your little car when you were a kid is still part of your ship now.

Taal: correct.

Russ: I understand.

Taal: and even though it is mechanical, to me, that part is very alive.

Russ: it's like a bond mate.

Taal: in way yes.

Russ: yeah, I understand.

Taal: when Katrina's vessel severely damaged, most important part is herself. We name it........translation is the name of myself.

Russ: okay.

Taal: herself in reference. If Katrina speaks to you, she would refer to myself when referring to that part of vessel.

Russ: also for example, part of The Baron's success is a symbiosis with his red craft.

Taal: red craft, external shell come and go. The importance of himself go from craft to craft.

Russ: oh I see.

Taal: it is part of computer?

Russ: uh-huh. Oh so when Katrina was doing the shuttles back and forth with the cargo ships, part of that went into the cargo ship itself.

Taal: correct.

Russ: I see.

Taal: each ship is own ship. When ship sent back, that part is removed. Ferry pilot puts himself in to same spot. Ship no longer recall myself but recalls himself.

Russ: ahhh, I see. Wow.

Taal: you have seen me sit and touch my ship.......

Russ: yeah.

Taal: when I unplugged it. I am communicating with part of myself.

Russ: ahhh, so it's an extension of you.

Taal: correct.

Russ: I see.

Taal: hmm, I see you not fully understand, how to word?

Russ: well I can kind of understand, I'd have to actually be part of the ship to really get a full understanding.

Taal: yes. With little one.....

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: one day hopefully he will have own ship and as you say little feet propelled ship will be with him as will be first propelled by combustion, first propelled by other nuclear means, always with him, growing as he grows.

Russ: uh-huh. And he'll always be on the base while you're on the base?

Taal: no.

Russ: oh he'll be sent off somewhere for training? 

Taal: correct.

Russ: I see. 

Taal: it is not permissible for family members to serve in one unit.

Russ: why not? Oh, because of the emotional bonds.

Taal: correct.

Russ: right.

Taal: would it be appropriate for me to sacrifice other members of flight for bond mate?

Russ: no.

Taal: so, not permissible.

Russ: that would be politics. No, I know what you mean, I know what you mean.

Taal: way it works, not unusual for bond mates to be on same base. Not unusual for mother, father, daughter, son to be on same base. Not unusual for grandfather, grandmothers, bond mates to be on same base with children and grandchildren but all never in one squadron or same squadron.

Russ: ahhh.

Talk: if my old father still being alive were here on Hades Base, he would not be allowed to be in my squadron or Katrina's squadron.

Russ: hmmm.

Taal: due to sometimes unfortunate happenings of squadrons going in against overwhelming percentages....odds.

Russ: right.

Taal: and out of flight or squadron of sixteen, two or three making back think, if bond mates in squadron with older members of family and younger members of family........

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: emotional problems of losing maybe two members or all members.

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: so not allowed, not permissible at all.

Russ: understandable.

Taal: when pilot killed up here, great trauma on family, family recover. Think, if his bond mate were with him and also ceased to function, what of little ones?

Russ: true. All right,
the question is this, if these talks that Sananda and Ashtar are working on are successful and all the hostile groups to this planet or this sector come to agreeable terms and there is no need for the base pilots to be on patrol or to be losing their lives or anything like that, how do you feel about that?

Taal: how do you think I would feel?

Russ: well I think you'd feel great but you'd feel like you would be put out of a job.

Taal: happily so.

Russ: really?

Taal: yes.

Russ: but you were born for this......

Taal: yes.

Russ: you were genetically designed for this.

Taal: then elsewhere we go.

Russ: hmmm.

Taal: it is of being genetically designed can be re-genetically designed.

Russ: hmmm. So no sadness?

Taal: no, happiness.

Russ: well good.

Taal: to be able to know I will grow old, to know that when I come back from patrol that I will see my little one, my bond mate, my companions? To be able to think about sitting at home I have not seen in long time and be able to watch the suns rise? To watch the moons rise, to watch the shapes in the sky at night appear? Never to worry about maybe I will not see my bond mate or my little one grow to maturity?

Russ: hmmm.

Taal: in being genetically engineered, long time in past for my race, main things are the what you called the link between me and myself?

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: you gave it name.

Russ: symbiosis?

Taal: yes. That genetically engineered, that can continue. Thought process fast, rapid, that is useful. The desire to use vessel for speed, that continue. Reflexes continue, all important, all not honed for war. War is not genetically engineered for us, understand?

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: so all of genetic engineering is for purpose of improvement in.....

Russ: species?

Taal: correct, for the function of transportation of vessel. Whether transport, whether scout, fighter, exploration, emergency, that is not engineered. Engineering for everything in operation is engineered.

Russ: thank you Taal.

Taal: dismissed.