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(The Baron reflects on the various options available to him as a pilot now that he is at a point of retirement. For him, none of the choices appealed to him and he would die in his ship only a few months later. Omal is trying him in a role as ringmaster which may have present that way a fourth option. He also relates how he watches our old episodes of "Star Trek" that has been beamed into space while on patrol.) 

The Baron: Guten Tag.

Russ: Guten Tag mein herr.

The Baron: danka.

Russ: and how goes it tonight Baron?

The Baron: it goes well.

Russ: good. Well this is a bit of a transitional phase.

The Baron: ja, I think so.

Russ: well good one, anyway I like it. So how’s you’ve been doing?

The Baron: I do well.

Russ: good.

The Baron: I have done better.

Russ: ahh, we all have, but….

The Baron: I think, body move, right?

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: ja?

Russ: yeah.

The Baron: it feel not comfortable, image ja? My....?

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: my head, if think, body move ja?

Russ: ja, it will take a little while to get used to the movement. Are you wearing a helmet? 

(his pilot helmet)

The Baron: nein.

Russ: ahh.

The Baron: ahh, danka. Okay, whilst they helmet…..

Russ: okay.

The Baron: I sprechen zie ja?

Russ: si. Yeah.

The Baron: vos is dos? What is si?

Russ: si is Spanish, another Earth language.

The Baron: nein sprechen zie espanol.

Russ: ahh, well it would be English, Spanish and then German.

The Baron: sprechen zie Deutsche.

Russ: right.

The Baron: danka.

Russ: okay, I sprechen very little Deutsche.

The Baron: ein sprechen zie Deutsche en bisschen.

Russ: hmm, a lot?

The Baron: you say.

Russ: ein sprechen zie Deutsche en bisschen.

The Baron: bisschen.

Russ: bisschen.

The Baron: it means I speak German a little.

Russ: oh a little, bisschen means little.

The Baron: bisschen.

Russ: hmm okay. That’s something I need to learn because I do have a lot of German customers at my store.

The Baron: ja. I no give lesson, I have no…..I get (clears throat) when trying to teach Deutsche.

Russ: ahh, well I figure I’ll pick it up here and there.

The Baron: ja. One pause please?

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: danka. Ahh, ahhh!! Ja.

Russ: go ahead and get comfortable there.

The Baron: feel body, young body.

Russ: there you go, much better.

The Baron: ja, danka.

Russ: yeah, well I figured since you wear the helmet all the time anyway when you’re flying….

The Baron: command root different ja?

Russ: yeah, command root different but at least this way with a helmet on you’ll feel more comfortable.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: if only a little disoriented and go, “huh?”

The Baron: ja, danka.

Russ: my pleasure, my pleasure. Excellent, so we’re going to try as a ringmaster here and….

The Baron: I try one more life.

Russ: excellent and well you should.

The Baron: ja, I have choice to make.

Russ: ahh.

The Baron: they offer me two choice.

Russ: okay.

The Baron: retire and........not know word.

Russ: retire in old age?

The Baron: nein, nein, not known.

Russ: well I’m not good with that either. Well if you tell Karra, Karra will tell me and I’ll..

The Baron: ahh, danka. 

Russ: then I’ll know. Because you’ll know the Sirian, she’ll know the Sirian, she’ll know the English and she’ll tell me.

The Baron: fräulein ambassador say inanuity.

Russ: boy, that didn’t clear anything up.

The Baron: inanuity, nein nein. Nevermind, choice one.

Russ: ahh.

The Baron: choice two, be grounded, pilot teacher. Explain life as pilot, highest victor.

Russ: right.

The Baron: or my choice add in….

Russ: go out in blaze of glory?

The Baron: go out teaching lesson.

Russ: ahhh. The only problem is, you wouldn’t go out, nobody could beat you.

The Baron: I think could.

Russ: well it'd be tough.

The Baron: pick fight of odds of 20 plus to one?

Russ: you’d be a while looking for those odds though.

The Baron: ja but never forgot.

Russ: right.

The Baron: if I go choice one, fade away and be just name.

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: choice two, same but longer. Choice three, never forgot. Your Baron, on planet….

Russ: never forgot.

The Baron: Manfred?

Russ: yep, still the most famous ace known to man.

The Baron: ja, on your planet.

Russ: right.

The Baron even though little ace now.

Russ: right.

The Baron: 80, eh? Not big.

Russ: no, but still it’s…..the time of our history that he performed it in the flying machines he performed it in made him an ace.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: I mean nowadays, it’s nothing to pull a trigger and launch a missile but what he did was, that was pretty unordinary.

The Baron: uh-huh, I think so. So as a ringmaster…..

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: duty are put people to speak ja?

Russ: uh-huh ja.

The Baron: and keep order.

Russ: correct.

The Baron: also duty to organize speakers.

Russ: right.

The Baron: I have teacher?

Russ: okay.

The Baron: she teach and explain how.

Russ: oh excellent.

The Baron: she say be strong of person?

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: be not forgiving.

Russ: right.

The Baron: even with special person. This ein first week for me?

Russ: right.

The Baron: next week maybe not me, maybe someone other.

Russ: well we’ll see.

The Baron: different other person.

Russ: okay.

The Baron: see how I do.

Russ: excellent, you’re doing great so far.

The Baron: danka.

Russ: once you got the helmet on you of course, that helps a lot.

The Baron: ja, ja. It so clean and clinical in room.

Russ: oh yeah.

The Baron: uh-huh.

 are you in the channeling room or....?

The Baron: ja. 

Russ: oh okay
and that’s one thing that I want to work on is we’re working with these groups and we have to make better friends but at the same time…

The Baron: you make better friends, I lose many……I forgive for what done but not forget.

Russ: I don’t blame you.

The Baron: you have person fictional that say, “You Klingon bastards, you kill my son!!” I find very funny to watch but understand emotion.

Russ: right, right and he never forgave them. 

The Baron: ahh, I.....

Russ: actually he did finally, he understood. Capt. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: I didn’t know you even watched that.

The Baron: it beamed out into space, listen on long flights.

Russ: good for a few laughs.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: okay, excellent,
very informative which brings me to a question that I have for you.

The Baron: ja?

Russ: concerning you and your ship. Omal talked about how you and your ship are symbiotically connected.

The Baron: ja, ja.

Russ: first off, can you like take off and go to Sirius if you want?

The Baron: ja.

Russ: well that’s kind of handy. Folks have to wait a long time before they can go trip off to Sirius anytime they want, you’ve got a ship ready to go.

The Baron: nein, when I stop being pilot….

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: ship also retire.

Russ: oh no.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: you can't just kind of keep it parked in the garage and….

The Baron: nein.

Russ: take it out for a spin?

The Baron: nein.

Russ: oh that’s too bad, I thought that would be kind of a nice benefit.

The Baron: it because consciousness taken…..taken out……

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: and become transport of other method.

Russ: oh I see, I see, it’s used somewhere else.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: oh okay.

The Baron: ship become…..become a new person’s ship with no consciousness.

Russ: oh.

The Baron: I keep consciousness for transport?

Russ: okay good.

The Baron: yeah.

Russ: hmm okay, so you never lose that?

The Baron: nein.

Russ: that’s good. Well we were talking about ships that have been crashed here on Earth. For example if one of the ships from the base crashed on Earth and its pilot was dead, is there any way somebody could fly that ship after that point?

The Baron: nein, without consciousness…….

Russ: right without……

The Baron: when I die, consciousness die.

Russ: oh okay, so no one could take that ship and fly it through any means whatsoever? The propulsion system’s basically gone?

The Baron: all functional but no consciousness to activate.

Russ: oh, okay. Good, I’m glad to hear that.

The Baron: ja. Part of safety…..safety…..

Russ: factor?

The Baron: nein, nein...ahhkkk....

Russ: well we’ll figure it out.

Baron: I get……

Russ: I know the general idea you’re trying to get to.

The Baron: ja, I get disc, learn your sprechen zie?

Russ: oh my English?

The Baron: ja.
