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(The Baron gets ready to head back to his home planet for the birth of a new family member and brings up another family member in the form of his daughter who had been in a bad engagement to where we find out just what kind of sacrifices the pilots go through protecting 3rd dimensional planets trying to ascend.) 

The Baron: guten abend mein herr, mein herr. Okay, we are going to get down to business as soon as we are fully ready. We have a few things I’ve never been done before so we will do those things when they are ready. In the meantime we are speaking ja?

Russ: ja.

The Baron: so I answer questions ja?

Russ: indeed.

The Baron: you ask question about going home?

Russ: yeah.

The Baron: ja, as I say, I go home and see my great, great, what you say?

Russ: grandson.

The Baron: grandson? Who being only male child of my family that still alive but he have bond mate who is being of ready to birth?

Russ: oh excellent, so you’ll have another great, great grandchild.

The Baron: ja I hope so, I have a few great granddaughters and granddaughter and daughter. My daughter being honorable pilot?

Skip: oh that’s super.

The Baron: but pay very dearly and not be able to fly again and not able walk, talk only, see through one eye. No artificial eye, too much ja?

Russ: uh-huh.

The Baron: so she pretty bad but treated with lots of……what you say?

Russ: love?

The Baron: ja but also no. I not know word.

Skip: talking about bionetics?

The Baron: no, no she no have……too much damage.

Skip: oh okay.

The Baron: part of side of head gone with implant so she no able fly or take artificial……..artificial ja? Artificial…….

Skip: implants.

The Baron ja.

Skip: ahhh okay, all right I got you.

The Baron: so she……

Skip: too much damage.

The Baron: ja, very much damage.

Skip: yeah.

The Baron: but very brave, I think highly of her.

Skip: sounds like it, sounds like it.

The Baron: ja, she only child left…….

Skip: excuse me.

The Baron: ja?

Skip: in other words you’ve got a lot of family that love you very dearly.

The Baron: not seen many of them in long time.

Skip: that’s okay, they still love you.

The Baron: ja but I old, I have few problems that need……..but I no talk, it’s not good ja?

Russ: uh-huh. Anyway I have a question for you….

The Baron: ja.

Russ: I’m editing a tape right now that’s going to be going on the webpage soon……

The Baron: what is word?

Russ: webpage, the information on the Internet that we put for Hades Base….

The Baron: ja?

Russ: that I edit?

The Baron: uh-huh.

Russ: and I’m editing the tape and it was a time when an entity named Monka was talking? Perhaps you know him?

The Baron: ja I know Monka, I know Monka for many of your planet's cycle. I fly escort when very young.

Russ: okay excellent. He was talking about in fact a person who has implants or cyborgs……

The Baron: uh-huh.

Russ: and he was saying how…

The Baron: what is cyborg?

Russ: cyborg is half man, half machine?

The Baron: ahh.

Russ: he said that the implants start to affect a person as far as their thinking because they start thinking more like a machine but he was dealing with people down here that that’s going on where he says that has to be watched very carefully.

The Baron: ja, ja a long time ago when we first start doing implants we have many, many problems.

Russ: oh really?

The Baron: we do many more than just implant, improve on visual, auditory, muscular reactions so I think Monka mean more of person being more machine than just implant.

Russ: oh okay.

The Baron: but when we have early implants, persons get very………..what is word? Mentally unbalanced.

Russ: oh wow.

The Baron: but much research we overcome that but I know bisschen.

Russ: yeah, you know little of it.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: uh-huh. Opps, my tea's ready, I’ll be back in one second.

The Baron: we talk, okay?

Skip: yes definitely, definitely.

The Baron: you ask question, I answer or not as maybe.

Skip: I owe you an apology young man.

The Baron: what for?

Skip: I kind of got on your case last week and that wasn’t my place to do that.

The Baron: we all do things we regret. If I get on your case…….

Skip: it’s your right.

The Baron: ja.

Skip: but is wasn’t my right to get after you.

The Baron: nein, nein, it was your right. You look from angle that is…..what is word?

Skip: more or less your situation.

The Baron: ja.

Skip: uh-huh.

The Baron: but you no have so long in high……..what is word? Stress......

Skip: yeah.

The Baron: very high stress.

Skip: uh-huh.

The Baron: all life I fly, I fight, I see many die around me, many like daughter beyond repair?

Skip: uh-huh.

The Baron: so I understand.

Skip: it still wasn’t my place to do that to you.

The Baron: hey, forgiven.

Skip: thank you.