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(Omal explains in detail what the photon cloud is and the timeline before it encompasses our planet which is right now. He also debunks many of the false fears the Photon Cloud had generated with the public. He gives some great reasons to see it as a positive.) 

Russ: okay, well onto that next phase then, the photon belt.

Omal: ahh, yes.

Russ: currently there is a lot of information that’s on the web that is pretty misleading and most of it false.
Omal: uh-hmm.

Russ: what I'd like to do is focus a little bit on that so I could perhaps get that on the web as soon as possible.

Omal: okay.

Russ: just as being as we entered into it, now I'd like to get the information going.

John: can I interject briefly please?

Omal: certainly.

John: alright, there's an awful lot of questions and curiosity about the photon belt, there's an awful lot of misinformation out there....

Omal: oh yes, most certainly there is.

John: and there's an awful lot of people who are really, really curious about this so it is important that we get this information out there and get correct information out there. 

Omal: that is correct. 

John: thank you.

Omal: continue Russ. 

Russ: well what I would like then basically is a dissertation that I can put on the web. 

Omal: hmmm, okay.

(we all laugh)

Russ: not to put you on the spot or anything. 

Omal: maestro music please, spotlight. Okay, let me manifest my cane and my hat. Okay, I'm putting on the top hat, I'm putting on the Ritz.

(we chuckle)

Omal: okay, now let me be serious after this little bit of humor.

Russ: okay. 

Omal: okay, now what is the photon belt? Well, it is an energy field that will gradually and slowly surround your planet. At first......thank you Kiri.....Kiri says that there is information already on the Internet that both her and Tia downloaded into Mark's computer that was used last night to start the channeling session. 

(when they had control of his body)

Russ: right.

Omal: that itself should be taken and used....

Russ: okay.

Omal: at the beginning of the dissertation. 

Russ: okay.

Omal: okay now let us look closely at the photon energy field itself. The idea that it is a belt that will surround your planet is a misnomer. It is more of a cloud and like clouds, you get gaps and dense areas and thin areas that are not as strong as other areas. At first you will go through the almost nebulous part of the photon cloud that will have a little effect to start off with. People will be aware of the feeling that something is happening, that is true. What also is occurring is that the spirituality of people is becoming more aware. They are developing their abilities, their vibrational levels are being brought up gradually bit by bit by the energy inflow from the photon cloud. The fact that it will surround your planet almost like a belt is understandable but it would be a misnomer to call it a photon belt. It would be better to call it a photon pocket, because you will be within the cloud as a spherical crystal is within the pocket. But what is occurring on a spiritual level is as I said at first people will feel that there is something happening, I believe Kiri called it a building feeling, like something is building withinside them. And at times you will be outside the energy cloud as it is at the moment just a thin, wispy leading edge of the photon cloud. Later, as you penetrate deeper and I believe that will happen around about 2014, you will feel more in contact with what has gone before and the possibilities of what is to come. With the development of the abilities, there will be unfortunately a start of polarizing between those that are spiritually aware, those that think they're spiritually aware and those that are not. All three groups will be poles apart. If it was possible to have three poles, that is what would occur. Individuals that feel they are aware spiritually but are not will present the biggest problem. They will be in the majority but they will also be the people that will spread lies and dissent and push the two groups that could work together further apart. There are examples of these individuals that occur frequently in daily life, I have received reports about some of them. What occurs is they use whatever media they can, whether it is in your papers, in your entertainment devices that they will push people away and cause problems. Some of them in a very odd turn of fate will try to claim that they have abilities and that individuals that really do, don’t. But what they actually do is themselves a disservice by saying they have all these abilities and that somebody doesn’t, they will actually push the people away from them towards the people that really do that they claim that do not. I think this should be enough for you to start off with....

Russ: okay.

Omal: or do you wish more?

Russ: no I’d like to address now some of the more fantastical aspects of what's been out there.

Omal: okay, five days of darkness? Nope. Ice age? Nope. Let me see…volcanic activity increase? Nope. No definitely not an increase in earthquake activity although it might be entertaining to buy some beach front property and sell it to those people that believe so. No, that won't happen either Russ. Okay.....oh sorry, I didn't mean to do that. 

Russ: that's alright. 

Omal: the pole shift, no that is not contributed to it. Okay let us hear the rest of yours before I start going,"no, that's impossible, no....."

Russ: okay, our space time......oh, "space and time will be altered and our system will be possibly hurled into a higher dimension."

Omal: sorry, I find that very unlikely. Next one.

Russ: okay, "all energy on earth, batteries and electrical will all be reduced to nothing, null and void and we will now have to learn how to use photon energy instead."

Omal: that one does actually have a ring of truth in it.

Russ: really?

Omal: yes but the fact that the energy will be drained is wrong. Photon energy will be learned how to be used and harnessed but this will be used in an odd sort of way. Cold fusion in the next twenty to thirty years will become a reality. With cold fusion comes the ability to create an inexhaustible supply of energy, in turn you will be able to create artificial photons. 

Russ: hmm okay. "It will last two thousand years."

Omal: that is close to the truth as well. 

Russ: okay.

Omal: maybe it was just a extra zero put on there. 

Russ: oh. "It will effect us in our gravitational fields."

Omal: no. 

Russ: "all of our molecules and atoms will get excited."

Omal: yes but in a odd sort of way. The feeling of building, molecules and atoms not as such but certainly molecules and atoms within individual's spiritual fields will get excited. 

Russ: okay so it will alter consciousness?

Omal: I believe that is a yes but it is not the consciousness of the mind they're talking about, it is the consciousness of the inner self. Those as I stated that do have abilities will be more consciously aware.

Russ: oh okay. Alright and the one you read my mind on, "the intergalactic federation has put ships in position to lessen the effects and fix the ozone holes within the first hours of entering?"

John: (laughs) 

Omal: my sentiments exactly.

Russ: it's on the web, I've got to put it out here okay?

Omal: my sentiments exactly Johnny.

John: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Russ: alright. Okay, "increased solar flares."

Omal: yes but that is not due to the photon cloud. 

Russ: okay.

Russ: that is just a normal, natural cycle. 

Russ: alrighty, "temperature changes are......"

Omal: again that is a normal, natural cycle of your planet. 

Russ: okay. Now what I want to go on to the physical aspects that are present that are being felt....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? On a personal note and that is the fact of a feeling of pressure building, sort of like a atmospheric pressure almost in the mornings, an increase in astral travel ability, increased coercive faculties........

Omal: an increase in gifts as Tia and Kiri put it last night.

Russ: right and personal life changes.

Omal: personal life changes cannot be attributed to the photon cloud. 

Russ: okay. Now then, can we determine what part of the day we are experiencing the photon particles within as we go through them?

Omal: yes, you will feel the difference at particular junctures of the day. As your planet passes or the photon cloud passes over you, it will depend if it is passing on the left side or the right side of your planet, the light or the dark side, to the north, to the south, to the East, to the West. You will feel it as it flows over you. 

Russ: and it would be, let's say once every twenty four hours then?

Omal: sometimes more, sometimes less to start off with. 

Russ: okay. 

Omal: the closer you get to actually entering the cloud, the more often the occurrences will be. It is like watching an aircraft flying into a cloud, sometimes you see it because there is a hole in the cloud, sometimes you don’t. 

Russ: hmm okay. So, we'll be fully into it by 2014?

Omal: correct. 

Russ: so we’ll be approximately halfway through it about 2005?

Omal: halfway towards full immersion, yes. 

Russ: yes okay. Now will this have anything to do with the predictions, Tia's predictions, will this have a visible effect upon what's going to be going on? 

Omal: it is really hard to say exactly how the majority of the people are going to be affected by this photon cloud. The last time that it passed, there was already the occurrence of great disarray before the energy field arrived. In some parts of your planet when it came, those disruptions were lessened and in other parts it was intensified so it is really hard to say how it will effect the majority of the people. Some of the people will react in different ways. Some will act in fear, some will act out of surprise, some will act out of shock. It will be all different reactions. It is really hard to say exactly what will happen. It is one of those factors that we try to plan for but we cannot fully predict. 

Russ: okay. Now I’ve heard two reports on our passage of our earth through the cloud, one is 24,000 years and one is 12,000 years. The 12,000 due to the fact that it takes....what is it? I think we go through it twice every 24,000 years so it's every 12,000 years, which is the actual number?

Omal: neither actually. 

Russ: oh, well this will be good for the net. 

Omal: uh-huh. 

Russ: what is the actual number then? 

Omal: okay, you go through approximately every 36,000 years.

Russ: ahh, well that makes a difference.

Omal: if you add the two numbers together, what do you get?

Russ: right, 36,000 yes. Now at the point of Earth’s history that it went through last time were at the waning days of Atlantis....

Omal: correct.

Russ: so that situation was already on the way out anyway..... 

Omal: correct.

Russ: and the cloud merely polarized the various parties involved......

Omal: correct.

Russ: leading to its final goodnight kiss.

Omal: that is an odd way of putting it but yes. 

Russ: yeah well it just comes out once in a while like that. Alrighty, now there is a channeling that says that it will stabilize our weather patterns?

Omal: again it is one of those factors that we really do lack information on. Certain personnel that visit the base have more information than I have at my hands. I am more concerned with what is going on on your planet. The last time I watched with anxiety as these events occurred. It was not the first time that I have witnessed these events when they occurred in the waning days of Atlantis. When it happened the first time that I witnessed it, it was not so as intense so this time I watch things with trepidation wondering if it will be a repeat performance of Atlantis or the earlier visitation. It is really hard for me to say. So watching and waiting is all that we can really do at this time unless higher personnel wish to let us know exactly what is going on. 

Russ: okay. John, do you want to interject anything just yet?

John: yeah. 

Russ: go ahead.

John: I’d like to get into more of the physics of this photon cloud or patch, it is something that our planet and solar system passes through?

Omal: yes, it is not a visible cloud. It is an energy cloud that is made up of various photonic particles that react to each other in an agitated state creating an enhanced energy field which, if you were to condense it into a visible form, would appear like a shimmering mist that that you can see through. The way that it works is that each photon is bouncing off of each other photon which is creating energy bursts that can be felt. 

Russ: uh-hmm.

John: does our galaxy through its travels pass through it or is it part of our galaxy that our solar system passes through. 

Omal: it is part of your galaxy. If it was something that your galaxy passes through it would be a once only until the contraction occurs and then it would pass through it again. But the fact remains that it is part of your galaxy in its rotational pathway. 

John: and in a rotation through our galaxy, the solar system passes through this photon cloud about every 36,000 years?

Omal: pretty much so. It is not exactly 36,000 years. 

John: right, well I used the correct term, I said about. 

Omal: correct. It varies in difference between 500 to a 100 years. 

John: does the size of the cloud vary?

Omal: yes it does, it is the same cloud that was passed through but because of the rotation of your galaxy, it increases and decreases with certain cycles generated in the heart of your galaxy. These circumstances which increase and decrease the size vary wildly with energy pulses from such things as pulsars, quasars and super novas and also black holes. The more energy that is given off by these objects that interact with a black hole of a interesting size depends on the size of the photon cloud. 

John: does it affect.....I mean I realize it affects the whole solar system, does it affect the other planets as much as it affects Earth?

Omal: it depends on the gravitational field and also the organic matter upon those planets. 

John: is there life, other life in the solar system besides the planet Earth? 

Omal: I really can’t answer that at this time. 

John: I didn’t think so, I thought I'd ask.

Omal: it was worth a try was it not? Okay, last questions please. 

Russ: okay, was the first time that you witnessed this Lemuria?

Omal: no it was after actually, if you do the mathematics you will see where and when it was. 

Russ: okay.

Omal: Johnny? 

John: yeah back to the photon belt and our solar system passing through this, I would assume and let me know if I'm correct that other solar systems and other galaxies experience very similar things?

Omal: yes, they do, they do. Sirius for example will be entering it in approximately or reaching your stage in approximately thirty to fifty years. Alpha Centari, shortly before that. Other galaxies we really can’t give you that much information on as they are outside our sphere of influence but I would assume so from research expeditions that have spent an enormous amount of time and energy traveling from one galaxy to another and returning possibly have information that similar events do occur in those galaxies. You have to remember that the nearest neighboring galaxy is two million light years away. Thank you.

John: thank you very much.

Russ: thank you Omal, very informative. 