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(At a crucial crossroads in his life, the Baron talks about a future of a retirement he was dreading and he gives us an insider's look at visiting the city ships of Ashtar Command. His description of cities within cities where inhabitants from many worlds come to meet is similar to other reports on the web.) 

The Baron: okay we get on and now I answer questions also.

Russ: okay excellent. You guys have counseling as far as people that help you in gaining your consciousness progression towards entire consciousness correct?

The Baron: ja.

Russ: do you have to go through similar situations like we do on Tuesdays where we're pushed to our mental and emotional levels?

The Baron: a long time ago ja, now I am being ready for retirement.

Russ: oh, so no more pushing.......

The Baron: no more people telling me what to do, no more me telling people what to do, no more those pushing, no more standing with knot in stomach waiting for words to action.

Russ: okay well that's good. And how's the trip being planned back to your home planet? Going good?

The Baron: ja....

Russ: excellent.

The Baron: I am go home, I find out what they do to me when I get home.

Russ: oh excellent.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: okay, so it could be a whole new reassignment kind of thing?

The Baron: I do not know, I do not like idea of inactivity.

Russ: well I'm sure they've got stuff that they can give you that would be more activity than I'll ever go through in my life.

The Baron: ja, well then was only take little bit.

Russ: true, true.

The Baron: we talk to others about it and we ummm...I explain we. We are ship and self.

(pilots form a symbiotic relationship between the ships and themselves)

Russ: ahhh, excellent. Okay, now a question was posed recently about the need for escorts and stuff for various transports going between city ships and the various bases around Ashtar Command and other places.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: who does those escorts?

The Baron: ah we do.

Russ: oh, I mean fully armed ships I assume but I mean are they like the higher like the best quality ships or are these more the back.......

The Baron: I have done tours on capital ships.

Russ: oh you have?

The Baron: ja.

Russ: oh okay, so you get to cruise along escort then park your ship and go inside the capital ship and hang around for a while?

The Baron: ja.

Russ: how is that on the capital ships?

The Baron: it is city within cities.

Russ: that's what I heard.

The Baron: it is like home, like many planets visit.

Russ: oh really?

The Baron: ja.

Russ: so all kinds of beings from all over the place, more than just Hades Base where you only have a representative of just a few.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: hmmm interesting, that would be a very interesting experience. Now what we have here is we have channels on earth who channel information of entities who live on the capital ships, or people who have astral traveled to the capital ships and given us back....

The Baron: reports ja.

Russ: reports, right. So we kind of got a good idea more or less if they're accurate on what goes on with the capital ships as far as the various levels and everything. But defensively there is nothing really to worry about because they're all in sixth dimension correct?

The Baron: correct.

Russ: right so your duty as far as escorting to a capital ship would just be in the transition from the various dimensions to that....

The Baron: ja and also for honor.

Russ: honor?

The Baron: yes honor guard?

Russ: yeah but they would need one?

The Baron: well it is more for us to honor them.

Russ: oh I see. I wasn't sure how that worked, because I mean I figure with the personnel and stuff, if you had a shortage of personnel it would take away from other duties somewhere else.

The Baron: no we have individuals, it is more like ah....what do you say....relaxation time?

Russ: oh okay kind of R & R, rest and relaxation. You do a tour of duty and then you get off from the war zone and you go and relax for a while.

The Baron: ja but still active on patrols.

Russ: right, correct.

The Baron: so we keep our razor edges.

Russ: ahh excellent. But how do you do that if you're going from a capital ship somewhere and let's say they're both in the sixth dimension like you're going from a capital ship to Sirius.....

The Baron: ja.

Russ: in sixth dimension and you know nothings going to happen....

The Baron: you have not heard of pilot hijinks?

Russ: no I haven't heard of pilot hijinks. What the heck is......

The Baron: well as I cannot get in trouble I say, we use ships for training?

Russ: no way.

The Baron: and for...what you call very narrow passageways we fly down to test to sharpen skills.

Russ: oh strafing runs?

The Baron: what is strafing run?

Russ: like a warplane will come in on a target that's either flying or floating or sitting and come in real close and it would fire its guns in to strafe it in a series of bursts kind of thing.

The Baron: ja but also for skill of flying down narrow pathways and for funs we have races down very steep pathways, very narrow pathways.

Russ: you think you would be giving those poor guys there flying their ships another couple extra years on their lives.

The Baron: it would be nice.

Russ: getting old before their time watching you guys go by.

The Baron: ah, I do not understand what you mean, I understand now.

Russ: ah yes right, what we call it, giving them gray hair.

The Baron: ahhh.

Russ: but you wouldn't be giving them gray hair, you would just be adding more years of life going ARRGHHH.

The Baron: ja, we get low, never heard of crash, all pilots are best of best.

Russ: oh really?

The Baron: ja.

Russ: so no wonder you've done it a few times.

The Baron: ja.

Russ: excellent good. So then your park your ship, you go in, and you kind of....you're the guys.....

The Baron: ja. We are the....what you say?

Russ: hotshots?

The Baron: ja hotshots. We have much fun and laughter over scaring poor people. Okay we get serious.

Russ: okay sounds good.