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(Tia briefs us on a combat report between the pilots of the base up against a force that heavily outnumbered them. She also reveals that the Blue Guys and Ashtar Command are separate entities working together. She explains the concept of a natural pilot.) 

Russ: any news for the web, for the page for this week?

Tia: from me? Well we can't include the dogfight unfortunately, the big one.

Russ: why not? Why, I wasn't planning on putting it in unless Taal came in and told me about it?

Tia: no, oh you want the official report from the dogfight?

Russ: yeah.

John: yeah.

Tia: okay, I can have that in...

(speaks to one of the technicians in the channeling room)

Tia: thank you...no...just the report.....yeah thank you......glasses too thank you. Okay at 0302, patrol Alpha, Alpha Zeta....funny coincidence.....on patrol over Kazakhstan spotted a flight of eight. Flight Alpha Zeta moved in to investigate. The flight attacked but was chased off, no damage to either party. The patrol continued on its flight. Over lower Siberia, a force of 36 craft approached a flight of three from flight Alpha Zeta. Flight Alpha Zeta requested backup in a tone of voice that denoted concern. A dog fight ensued. Two flights were scrambled and sent to the situation. At this point the lead craft from flight Alpha Zeta was damaged and put in a situation where it no longer had the firing capability. It withdrew from the battle. As it withdrew it requested another flight to be sent. A flight was sent. In the ensuing melee, 13 aircraft were destroyed of the hostile force. Backup for flight Alpha Zeta and the other flights that had shown up on the scene occurred. Three more flights were sent in giving a total of, total of 21 craft being involved in the dogfight. Of these, five were damaged, all repairable. One was destroyed, fortunately the pilot ejected over a area of middle Siberia near an area of Tunguska......very strange and coincidental......one pilot was injured due to exuberant celebration before being extracted from the cockpit of the craft.

John: put his hand through the visor.

Tia: all aircraft are now fully operational and a replacement aircraft or two replacement aircraft have arrived on the base with a new pilot. End of report.

Russ: thank you.

Tia: Taal could have given a much better report. It would go something along the lines of, "well we were watching our six and I came up on the inside and we came in above the aircraft as it pulled a negative inside loop."

Russ: I am going to assume that we're not going to add the part about the pilot having a slight mistaken identity?

(a possible case of friendly fire)

John: yeah, yeah, I was going to......

Tia: no, it is being investigated. It is not being investigated by Ashtar command, it is being investigated.......

Russ: oh it's not?

Tia: because it did not involve an Ashtar personnel.

Russ: the pilot wasn't part of Ashtar personnel? He was....

Tia: they're not, none of them are.

Russ: oh they're not? They're independent contractors?

Tia: yeah, basically.

Russ: I mean, how can you say...not say that they work for Ashtar command because they take direct orders from...

Tia: no, it's a mutual thing. They do things for us and we do things for them.

Russ: oh, Ashtar Command suggests something and they do it.

Tia: yes. However, if he is found guilty Russ, that's it for him. If he is found guilty of negligence right? They all know that their flying days are over. Basically it's a death sentence for them.

Russ: I don't doubt that.

Tia: because they were originally genetically engineered for one purpose and one purpose only, to fly and that is so ingrained into them. You take Taal's little one right? He's already been up in a few craft.

Russ: oh really?

Tia: yeah, Taal took him to Sirius if you remember.

Russ: oh yeah.

Tia: for the skiing.

Russ: for the skiing.

Tia: in Taal's craft, he sat in between Taal's legs.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: it's instinctual for them.

Russ: well he could go on training couldn't he?

Tia: no.

John: so Taal's son will become a pilot, is that you're saying?

Tia: yes.

John: it's something that's inbred that's fixed.

Tia: correct....yeah. It's so ingrained....

John: he's not going to be a scientist or an engineer or anything else?

Tia: he will be a pilot, he is genetically bred or they were genetically bred for that purpose. Your planet talks about natural pilots right? There's no such thing as a natural pilot on your planet because your planet hasn't had flight long enough for it to become common.

John: right.

Tia: there are people on your planet now that still remember a time where flight was unheard of, or powered flight. In Taal's race, they have been flying spacecraft for close to 2,000 years.

John: wow.

Tia: they have had flight for probably 2,500 years. So you're talking about a race that has been in space for 2,000 years and I'm not talking space as in the space shuttle, being able to travel from one planet to another. They are designed for the specific function and reactions.....I mean I'm fast, my reactions are fast.

Russ: what planet are they from or is it are they just from a planet?

Tia: they're from a planet but because they're genetically engineered or were originally genetically engineered, it is something that is debatable.

Russ: they have root race.

Tia: we're both wrong Russ, it's over 15 minutes.

Russ: yep, afraid so.

Tia: okay, so there is a root race but they've been genetically altered where that is their primary function is flying spaceships. Whether it is a freighter, or a combat ship, or a transport ship, or a huge colony ship, that is what they are designed for, is to navigate, to fly.

John: these are the blue guys that we're talking about now right?

Tia: that's correct. That is what they are primarily bred for. Some of them can do ground control, the older ones are ground control because they know that they no longer have the reflexes but they still have the reflexes to make a snap decision for a flight of aircraft.

John: right, right.

Russ: now when they grab the big colony ships, where do they fly to?

Tia: well they normally fly backwards and forwards from bases and stuff. Or they take groups of individuals from one place to another. For example, if you have a particularly dangerous colony mission where you're taking let's say 2,000 individuals to a colony. Let's say your planet's doing this right? And listen carefully to what I'm going to say. Your planet is colonizing let's say a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri right? Okay, let's say you have to navigate through some very nasty asteroids right? An asteroid field.......

Russ: right.

Tia: to get there. Now, this gentleman takes an entrance exam, enters the Academy and becomes an incredible pilot and ends up actually being the pilot in charge of that flight. Now unfortunately, during the flight he can't get to his "favorite drink" and his skin turns blue. That's what some of them do.

Russ: really?

Tia: uh-huh. That's what some of them actually do is work in the third dimension. Because there isn't really enough of a living up here for them to make. You see they once were or their root race was a third dimensional race. They're sixth dimensional now because they are linked to their ships, their ships are almost constantly.....

Russ: they could fly for like an Air Force or something down here?

Tia: there is none on your planet.

Russ: oh.

Tia: I'm taking it as a hypothetical situation. I'm not going to say Chuck Yeager happens to have blue skin underneath that or Pappy Boyington.

Russ: too short.

Tia: or what's his name, Grissom....no Grissom's too short.....Campbell or Carpenter or Schirra or Slayton. They're not blue guys okay?

Russ: right, just checking.

Tia: uh-huh. But that's the sort of thing that they end up doing some of them is that they relinquish their sixth dimensional heritage to fulfill what they're bred for.

Russ: third dimensional flight, flying period.

Tia: uh-huh, flying.

Russ: yeah but wouldn't that mean they might come up against the guys from the base?

Tia: in a hostile situation?

Russ: yeah.

Tia: very unlikely mainly because most of the missions that they're on are peaceful exploration missions. Occasionally they will bump into their colleagues from the base or from bases right?

Russ: like if they go to work for the Pleiadians or something and they meet when the Hades Base ships stop for a search.

Tia: yeah.

Russ: go "hey how's it going, how's mom and dad? Well good to hear..."

Tia: no it's normally along the lines of that's where telepathy comes into play.

Russ: oh.

Tia: they can't walk up, shake hands and happen to blow their cover, they can't do that.

Russ: right.

Tia: it's more along the lines of....

Russ: private mode.

Tia: yeah private mode and communicate and ask how everything is going and pass on messages. Because yeah the blue guys, they see auras, they know when there is a pilot on board a ship.

Russ: right.

Tia: uh-huh. Now if the pilot is injured, they will come on and board and set up a situation where it appears he gets killed, a fight breaks out and then they will take him home and get him fixed up. Change his face and send him back to the place or he could stay in the sixth dimension. I think Taal's has done a tour like that.

Russ: oh really?

Tia: uh-huh. I think, I'm only assuming, I'm guessing all right?

Russ: yeah, right, right. Interesting.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: that's interesting to know.

Tia: yeah. So I mean, when you talk about natural pilots on your planet, no there is no such thing.

John: not yet.

Tia: not yet.

John: we've got to be evolved more.

Tia: you've got to have a heritage of in one family, let's take 200 years where they have continuously, the father and mother......it's got to be father and mother......all the way back to great, great whatever grandmother it is and grandfather, have to be pilots.

John: hmm, interesting.

Tia: they have to have piloting skill. For example, let us say your mother right? Take her back in time...

Russ: was Amilia Ehrhardt.

Tia: yeah right and she married....

Russ: she would be my grandmother.

Tia: yeah your grandmother was Amilia Ehrhardt who married let's say Chuck Yeager.

Russ: Charles Bell I mean Albert Bell.

Tia: Albert Bell.

Russ: same timeframe.

Tia: okay, and their son happens to be Chuck Yeager and somebody else.

Russ: who marries...female pilot....the one who just qualified the F-16.

Tia: yeah. And so on all the way down right? You've got 10 generations right? Of pilots. The 11th generation is not a natural pilot but there is that possibility that might be.

John: right.

Tia: the 12th, there's more of a chance of being a natural pilot but not totally. The 13th, again the same thing. The 14th, the same again. The 15th, more than likely but not definitely a natural......

(The end of the tape hits right there)
