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(KKiri explains how time works while traveling in a gravimetric field and the travel times at lightspeed between the base, Earth and Sirius. She explains how a gravimetrical field pushes the electromagnetic field out which gives the ship lift. As a bonus we learn it takes three minutes for a ship to get our planet from the base on Mars.) 

Russ: "the question is asked, would that mean that if you had some kind of chronograph or wristwatch, that it would keep different time for you then someone else and this is if you are on a spaceship, what kind of time system and the answer is, in that sense the chronograph will not work? The electromagnetic fields would allow it to not operate in the way that it was designed." So if you're on a spaceship, my wristwatch is going to not work anymore correct?

(Kiri Snickers.)

Karen: I think that's a laugh.

Kiri: Kiri goes giggle, giggle, giggle. Giggle, giggle, giggle. Giggle, giggle......

Karen: and all those other ones in between.

Kiri: or he he he he he he he he he he he. That's baloney. If you have a chronometer that works on electrical impulses, it will continue to work, here is the reason. Because you are inside the electromagnetic field, it surrounds you but does not penetrate you because it is all focused outside, externally to create the gravimetrical field. You are inside a gravimetrical field which means it does not interfere with you. Everything is focused outside so therefore, the electric magnetical field does not affect you because the gravimetrical field pushes it away. You're here on this side right? This is the wall, gravimetrical energy is focused out right? And then the gravimetrical field pushes the electromagnetic field out which gives the lift, very simple. It is focused away from you so your chronometer would continue to function. However, as you approach as Omal pointed out the speed of light, it would work at a slower rate than externally.

Russ: ahhh.

Kiri: because time would be passing faster externally outside the field that you have generated, things would seem accelerated. For example, let us say my two fingers or Mark's two fingers are walking, that's normal speed, you inside would see this if you were looking outside.

Russ: so if it took five light years to get to Sirius.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? Well let's say it takes an hour. Let's say like Sirius is one hour, a light hour away okay?

Kiri: okay.

Russ: okay now I get in the ship and I travel to Sirius one light hour.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? Now, my watch is 9:30 and Karen has to go.

Kiri: okay.

Russ: but, when I get to Sirius, is it going to say 10:30 or is it going to be a lot slower?

Kiri: no it will say 10:30.

Russ: bye love.

Karen: bye hon.

Russ: but the actual time is different.

Karen: bye Kiri.

Kiri: correct externally, bye Karen.

Russ: the time on Sirius then is actually......

Kiri: take care.

Karen: yes you too.

Kiri: I will.

Russ: is actually 11:30.

Kiri: correct. You see, it's the relevant time.

Russ: right.

Kiri: okay? Inside time will continue. If it takes you an hour to travel that distance and it's only a light hour away right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: then it takes you one hour to travel there. But that hour has more than elapsed.

Karen: I think I have mental telepathy to start my car. Oh, need my keys. See you later.

Kiri: it doesn't work.

Russ: bye.

Kiri: you see what I'm saying?

Russ: right.

Kiri: okay, now let us say that it is one light hour away but you cover that distance in half the time.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: it takes you 30 light minutes.

Russ: right.

Kiri: pardon me.

Russ: no problem.

Kiri: or pardon Mark's body rather. So what is happening? You are traveling at twice the speed of light.

Russ: okay.

Kiri: which means that you have traveled the distance from your planet to our planet in half an hour.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: half an hour of your time but an hour has actually elapsed from earth time. It's only taken you a half an hour. It's taken you a half an hour....let's say the times are exactly the same, it's 9:30 earth time, 9:30 Sirius time right?

Russ: right.

Kiri: your time where you're going to land okay? Half an hour has elapsed, it's now 10 o'clock for you right? But because it takes light an hour to travel from there, it's 10:30 when you arrive there.

Russ: right.

Kiri: but, meanwhile back on earth, two hours have elapsed. Return trip right? How much time has elapsed?

Russ: well according to Omal then, four hours would've elapsed.

Kiri: correct.

Russ: now, how far is Hades Base in lightspeed terms?

Kiri: it's about nine minutes.

Russ: nine minutes. That's close.

Kiri: but this is where it gets tricky. We can get from Hades Base to earth right? In about three minutes. That's from getting in the aircraft to getting to your planet.

Russ: right.

Kiri: but that's manipulation of dimensions.

Russ: oh dimensions.