(Kiri fills in
some more details regarding the
Sirian Chronicles including some
hints at just how the coercion
became so strong in one group on
the planet who used it to
conquer their foes. There was a
great discrepancy in favor of
the women over the men with the
end result being a matriarchal
society prior to their
okay questions for you
sweetheart, I actually have
some for you this week, I knew
you'd be here.
Kiri: well where else would I
be on a Tuesday night?
Russ: that is very true.
Kiri: I know where I'd like to
be and I can't say because
we've got to keep it clean.
Russ: what was the living
conditions like in Tonar's
(from the Sirian Chronicles)
Kiri: that would be Tonar the
Corrupt correct?
Russ: correct yes.
Kiri: as opposed to Tonar the
Russ: how comparable is it to
Kiri: on Hades Base.....sorry
on Sirius it was very similar
that having just had the
ascension........no you wanted
Tonar the Evil didn't you?
Russ: Tonar the Evil.
Kiri: uh-huh, not the corrupt.
Russ: this is before the
exodus to earth.
Kiri: uh-huh. That would be
space travel, yes that was
going on, I should say it was
very similar to your home
planet apart from the fact of
intense heat and radiation
developing and a lot of dying
of plants and stuff.
Russ: you mean in Tonar the
Evil's time huh?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay.
Kiri: it wasn't as bad as it
got but you have to remember
it was only oh I think between
Tonar and Sarra there was only
I think about three to 4,000
Russ: hmm okay.
Kiri: uh-hum.
Russ: it's not that much.
Kiri: yeah because Sarra, she
lived for a long, long time.
In fact, it was rumored that
she didn't die, that she went
into the master pyramid and
she's still there somewhere.
Russ: people make treks,
religious treks kind of thing?
Kiri: uh-huh, yeah.
Russ: to see if the rumor's
Kiri: uh-huh and it's kind of
perpetuated by the religious
order that protects it.
Russ: now who was Luntar? Was
that another brother that was
mentioned with the father and
two brothers of Tonar?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: he was one of the
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: so the daughters of
Luntar, or the children of
Luntar who formed the order of
truth, light and wisdom or
servants of truth, light and
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: that was Luntar. Why do
they call themselves the
children of Luntar? Because
they were actually his
children or descendants of his
children or something?
Kiri: he was the father of
them in several different
ways. There was his I believe
wife and then her daughters.
Because she was only capable
supposedly of giving
Russ: oh okay.
Kiri: and he was also the
father of his grandchildren
and his great-grandchildren
literally which at the time
was frowned upon.
Russ: of course.
Kiri: I mean the whole entire
hierarchy back then was very
corrupt, very flamboyant, very
and I'm looking for the word
and I can't think of it.
Russ: now Tonar had some
inherent psychic abilities
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: coercion?
Kiri: coercion being one.
Russ: right, that means that
it ran in the family.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: does that mean that
because Luntar had incestuous
relationships with his grand
kids that....
Kiri: and great grand kids.
Russ: great grand kids, that
perhaps that a recessive gene
Kiri: reinforced, yes.
Russ: reinforced and stronger
and stronger which brought
about the mind powers that....
Kiri: uh-huh. You have to
remember that daughters of
Tonar were a little bit
corrupt and twisted
Russ: right.
Kiri: I mean they did some
according to records some
pretty nasty breeding
programs. After the third or
fourth generation, they would
manipulate genes that there'd
only be daughters born. They
manipulated genes so that for
a guy it would've been
paradise because a coercer
sleeping with as many women
that were coercers as possible
and it was like being at stud.
You'd enjoy that wouldn't you?
John: I think I could handle
that, sure.
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: kind of like having a
Kiri: yeah apart from it was
forced upon them.
Russ: you'd be the harem girl.
John: what?
Russ: for that right?
Kiri: yeah, you're the harem
girl, you're the one that gets
passed around.
John: yeah I missed something
Russ: in other words you
wouldn't have all these women
that you would....that would
come and service you, you'd be
going to service all of them.
John: right okay. Right okay
Russ: that's how that would
work. It'd still be kind of
John: yeah oh geeze.
Kiri: yeah it would be
actually, I'd enjoy that, I
would have enjoyed it
tremendously. But they were a
very corrupt and
twisted......I mean the
pictures I've seen of all the
women, they are fabulously
beautiful even by our
standards. But the recordings,
they don't seem particularly
Russ: hmm, how about the
servants of truth, light and
wisdom, the girls of Luntar?
Kiri: that's who I'm referring
Russ: oh, I see. So the
daughters of Tonar....
Kiri: oh sorry yes, you're
Russ: thank you.
Kiri: you're correct.
Russ: I got confused there for
a sec.
Kiri: yeah you see, I got
myself confused.
Russ: okay so the servants of
truth, light and wisdom are
the daughters of Luntar.
Kiri: not exactly, they took
that name.
Russ: okay. It's just an
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: okay now going on to
other subjects real quick....
Kiri: because Luntar wasn't...
Russ: wasn't what?
Kiri: wasn't as white and as
pure as the history, the
common history is painted as.
Russ: oh well that's just a
Kiri: in fact he was probably
almost as bad as his brother.
Russ: yeah well his brother
killed him so..
Kiri: yeah. It was probably
either he killed him or he
would have killed his brother.
Russ: hard times.
Kiri: uh-huh.