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(Tia reads a quick letter from Lyka who is on assignment on some third dimensional world but appears to have survived a very rough fight getting to a point where she could dictate a holo-disc. She lost some comrades in the fighting.) 

(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)

Tia: okay, how much tape do we have?

Russ: five minutes.

Tia: okay, it’s just us.

Russ: oh.

Tia: next week we will have the monster back. Let me see.....oh I know, good job I transcribed some of this.

Russ: okay.

Tia: okay, it reads……my transcription this is….."Hello Kiri, hello Tia, hello Mark, hello Russ, hello Karra and anyone else I missed, big hug to all the Cubs, Alex and Leonedies, David, Michael, Klarra, etc., etc., etc.. Doing well, sound and safe, very tired, lucky to be whole and in one piece and enjoying my chance to rest and unwind as best as I can. Don’t worry, I’m perfectly safe, I’m not going to do anything stupid, promise to come back in one piece more or less. The idea of returning in a body bag is not my idea of fun and I guarantee that I will do my "……..why in the hell did I put that in there? "I will do my best to return in one piece and not in a messed up, intimate state." I think that’s about the best way to word what she put down or rather what she said. It’s one of the things of transcribing directly is that you you put in exactly what people say. "I am sad at the loss of so many good friends and comrades but such is the price of keeping one’s oath. When I come back Russ, watch yourself, I will give you a demonstration on swordplay you will never forget. Love, hugs, kisses"……pretty much the rest of it was to Kiri, myself and Mark.

Russ: well that’s a good little shot from her.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: wherever she was.

Tia: well this was the first one that we got.

Russ: oh.