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(Lyka demonstrates the effects of the blue flowers while explaining what she does as an Oath Keeper of the Sirian Defense Force. If keeping the oath that Sirius has made to whatever sister world she is deployed to means giving up her life, she is willing to make that sacrifice to keep the oath.) 

Russ: hi Lyka.

Lyka: hey.

Skip: hey sweetheart.

Lyka: hey.

Skip: how you doing?

Lyka: I’m doing okay, I guess.

Russ: Lyka this is Laura.

Lyka: Laura, it’s nice to meet you.

Laura: it’s nice to meet you too.

Russ: and that’s Lyka.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: she knows me.

Lyka: yes, I know you.

Skip: but it’s been a long time.

Lyka: it’s been a while.

Skip: our long time, maybe not your long time but our long time.

Lyka: hey, I’m a snot nosed kid in the room. I’m only 21, I’ll be 22 in a few weeks in May.

Skip: and you got your captain’s bars.

Lyka: I’m still a student captain.

Russ: and another gold medal.

Lyka: honorary.

Russ: honorary gold medal.

Lyka: yeah. Okay, ask away, talk to me.

Skip: talk to you.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: I’d like to talk to you.

Russ: how’s the pregnancy coming along dear?

Lyka: oh, it’s going fine.

Russ: ahh good. Any morning sickness yet?

Lyka: yeah, I’m just tired at the moment, I thought I’d drop by.

Russ: well thank you love.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: huh?

Russ: yeah, she’s pregnant.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: she got married?

Lyka: yeah, I got bonded.

Russ: yeah, yeah.

Laura: you don’t have to get married to get pregnant.

Skip: not really, no.

Lyka: no, not in our existence.

Skip: not in their society.

Lyka: the best way to describe it is, we are the flowers that bloom so quickly and die so harshly.

Skip: okay.

Lyka: yeah, I’m an Oath Keeper..............................okay, that killed the conversation.

(laughter all around)

Skip: you seem a little calmer now than you did before.

Lyka: put it this way, I’ve been munching on flowers.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: well does explain that well. 

Skip: what has it been, a year since I've talked to Lyka?

Lyka: oh, I don’t think it’s been that long but time right now is very slippery.

Skip: because last time we talked I think that we were talking about home defense.

Lyka: yeah, I remember, I remember that. Uh-huh, to explain, I am an Oath Keeper, an Oath Keeper is somebody that keeps the promises that Sirius made to sister worlds and brother worlds.

Skip: uh-huh.

Lyka: and basically what we go in is to help protect and to if necessary die, lose this physical form, so that the oath could be kept, the promise of protection. Even if protection from one faction from another faction, we will side whoever it is necessary so the balance is maintained and the advancements can happen.

Russ: hmmm.

Skip: in other words, you keep the honor.

Lyka: uh-huh, we keep the oaths that we make which are very important.

Skip: yep, keep the honor.

Lyka: uh-huh. 
