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(Wing Commander Taal invites me to participate in a ceremony where I will be helping with the presentation of some awards and honors for the hero’s of a platoon of Lyka’s that was returning. We also find out that during Mark's time on the base, he was getting a promotion for the good job he had done in flight control.) 

Taal: yes. Matter come to discuss.

Russ: okay.

Taal: besides genetic and developments.

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: 10th of 11th month, we do honorary guard with current defense force platoons?

Russ: uh-huh.

Taal: for returning heroes.

Russ: oh, Lyka’s platoons.

Taal: correct. Commanding officers can request guests to attend private ceremonies. 

Russ: hmm.

Taal: would you like to? You may say no if you so wish.

Russ: no I’d be happy to.

Taal: okay but think before accepting, we early in morning when platoons arrive….

Russ: okay.

Taal: would be of two AM our time? Not sure what time yours.

Russ: four AM.

Taal: also guests stand in front with commanding officers? Act as…..do not know word….

Russ: reception committee?

Taal: no, hold objects to be given to returning hero commanding officers.

Russ: medals?

Taal: no, big objects in cushion and on the cushion.

Russ: not medals........awards, trophies?

Taal: rolled paper with wood and also special short swords.

Russ: oh okay, so I'm not sure what the Sirian words would be for it but we use I guess diplomas would be one way but that’s not quite right, they’re not graduating.

Taal: do not know words.

Russ: well we’ll figure it out. Just….

Taal: ask cadet, he know.

Russ: okay.

Taal: cadet is also friend of yours and mine. I hear rumor has he get one stripe soon?

Russ: very soon (Mark).

Taal: ahh, make him happy.

Russ: yes it will.

Taal: now having done second part of reason here, I go off.

Russ: thank you Taal, I shall be happy to attend.

Taal: let know next week on decision.

Russ: okay, fair enough.