(Kiri reveals a warp
engine fuel source is possible on our world but
not the materials needed to build one. She also
reveals how the efficiency of the ships of other
races compare to those of the base and relates a
theory from Earth on how traveling through warped
space works.)
I have a question I
hope you can answer
it, you don't have to
tell me the elements
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: in this.....like
I said, I'm still
working on this warp
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: the application
of the.....see if I
can word this right. I
don't want to get you
out over a barrel. The
chemicals or
combination of
propellants is
available to us at the
present time?
Kiri: yes.
Skip: okay, all right.
To create a warp
Kiri: yes.
Skip: metals also?
Kiri: no.
Skip: ah-hah, that's
what I was afraid of,
that's what I was
afraid of. Because I
was...there has to be
something. And this
has got to be a
biochemical engine?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: we don't have
the metal to control
Kiri: correct.
Skip: okay, all right.
Kiri: to contain....
Skip: okay no, no. You
have to go any
further, that's all
I've got to hear
Kiri: I can say what
I'm about to say as
I'm transmitting to
Omal and he goes,
"hmmm, gray area, try
it". And I.....
Skip: I just don't
want to get you in
Kiri: yeah I don't
think you would
quite.....you might
understand it, that's
the risk that we're
going to take is that
it's not a metal that
is going to be used.
It's not a metal that
you have at present.
It is a combination of
substances that have a
Skip: energy source?
Kiri: no, a high
resistance to heat.
For example, you take
a heat tile from the
space shuttle right?
Skip: yeah it's black
Kiri: you get your
blowtorch right? And
you put it on the top
side of the tile
that's facing out.
Skip: uh-huh, you can
hold it your hand.
Kiri: yeah exactly.
Skip: I know.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: I know what
black sand is.
Kiri: yeah, okay.
There is a number of
substances needed to
contain that kind of
explosive force that
will be able to be
channeled and focused
in a controlled way.
Skip: okay all right,
okay all right, okay.
Enough, enough.
Kiri: there you can
see that I'm editing
myself very severely
Skip: yeah, yeah, just
enough. Just enough
Kiri: okay but you get
the picture?
Skip: yes.
Kiri: I mean if it
wasn't for all this
damn editing and
stuff, I could set you
up for....
Skip: don't worry
about it, don't worry
about it we'll get
there, we'll get there
eventually. I
just.....my biggest
problem is, is I can't
Kiri: yeah.
Skip: from my
(from a past life)
Kiri: uh-huh, how to
do it.
Skip: I can't recall
my engineering
experience period
Kiri: well you get
flashes of it, flashes
of it from time to
Skip: yeah once in a
Kiri: yeah, but the
Skip: this 3-D world's
interfering with me.
Kiri: yeah I know, I
know, I know. The way
to look at it is when
you do figure it out,
you've got to design
it in such a way that
you filter out the
waste and turn the
waste into a useful,
safe tool. Otherwise,
you're going to end up
with people doing what
my mother did which is
the what you would
call the "Spock
routine". The needs of
the many outweigh the
needs of the one or
the few.
(Kiri and Karra's
mother was an engineer
on a space ship that
developed engine
trouble and she
sacrificed herself to
save the ship and its
crew fixing it)
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri:: but if you
can't, it doesn't
matter it's.....
Skip: it's got a be
recycle engine.
Kiri: well that's what
I'm saying would be
Skip: it's got to be a
recycle engine.
Kiri uh-huh.
Skip: because if you
have waste, you're
only using 80% of the
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: because the
waste is 20%.
Kiri: that's right.
That's what they have
on the third dimension
is what we have been
discussing is third
engines that you guys
don't have access to.
Skip: yeah and they're
20% waste.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: fumes, whatever.
There's still a 20%
waste. I don't care
what engine talking
about in 3-D, there's
still a 20% waste.
Kiri: correct. To have
a ship that runs at
99% of
Skip: it's got to be
higher than that if
it's going to go warp.
Kiri: no, they run at
80% efficiency, ones
that travel at warp
Skip: 80%?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: hmm.
Kiri: they don't work
quite the way that
you're thinking that
they work.
Skip: you can't do
Kiri: yes you can, yes
you can.
Skip: no you can't.
Now wait a minute,
don't misunderstand
me, I'm not trying to
dispute your
Kiri: oh no, no, no,
no, no, I know that.
Skip: I don't mean it
that way. What I'm
doing is editing my
own thoughts.
Kiri: yeah.
Skip: but if you have
a 20% waste on any
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: it's not
Kiri: no it's not.
Skip: it's not
Kiri: they need
Skip: that's right so
you have to
have......90% still
isn't giving you a
Kiri: no. 99.999 is
what the engines up
here run on. It's
actually even higher
than that.
Skip: that is right at
the very, very edge of
Kiri: correct. If
let's say we have a
quantity of fuel and
we're using the same
fuel that you're using
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: you take the
fuel, let's say it's
an ounce of fuel and
an ounce of fuel will
get you on your planet
a mile.
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: we take the same
ounce of fuel, we put
it into one of our
transportation devices
right? And we can get
over one light year of
energy from that ounce
of fuel.
Skip: okay.
Kiri: in actual fact
that ounce of fuel, if
you're traveling in a
warp capacity, will
give you unlimited
distance due to the
fact of the area that
you travel in when you
reach the required
specifications. Where
the fuel is actually
used is in the entry
and the exit. So you
take an ounce of fuel
and you can travel
let's say oh a million
light years with that
fuel and that is
because of entry and
exiting. Now the thing
is that the further
you travel, the more
fuel that you need for
your reentry.
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: so that fuel
will burn totally, be
used. You can travel a
million light years on
that piece of fuel.
Half of it will be
used....well actually
about a quarter is
used on entry.....on
exiting and then three
quarters is used on
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: biochemical.
Kiri: now there is a
popular theory on your
planet that I've just
been handed a rough
transcript of and what
the theory is, is that
to travel within
space, creating the
warp engine.......
Skip uh-huh.
Kiri: what you do is,
you have to bend space
so that you're
traveling within a
bubble that is
external to space
whereas space moves,
the bubble does not.
You are within the
bubble and you travel
within the bubble and
the bubble itself is
moving within space
but you are not moving
within the bubble.
Now, by projecting a
beam of a particular
type of energy which
is generated from the
engines, you create a
hole that will open
and the bubble
actually plugs the
hole, sealing the hole
behind it. It is not
so much of a hole as
more of an opening
like this kind of
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: okay, your
spaceship travels
within a particular
part of space. Some
people call it on your
planet a gray area.
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: you travel
within that area and
then projecting a beam
in front of the vessel
at the appropriate
time opens up another
hole and you pop out
at your location where
you want to go, you
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: that theory
is........all I can
say is that theory is
that theory. I can't
say whether it would
work or whether it
would not work, rather
I can say that it's a
Skip: uh-huh.