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(Omal explains reality in way that makes it so much clearer and yet so much more confusing. What it leads to is a definition of déjà vu, a subject we would cover often. It also leads to an understanding that you can't experience the higher dimensions until you've graduated from the third.) 

Omal: okay, let us move along and open the floor up to questions.

Skip: go ahead Russ.

Russ: okay, the concept that I put forth that everybody splits off from the various ideas with each of us as we go along, is there a point where we come back to a certain life and merge back with it or because it’s taken off and gone so many different ways there is no way to that to ever happen?

Omal: there are ways that it does happen but that is an aspect so when that merging happens, there are so many different possible outcomes, that there are just as many mergings and separatings going on as there were of actions.

Russ: so what would be our perception of that? Would that be what we would call déjà vu?

Omal: to a certain extent yes and we have covered that in the past.

Russ: huh-hmm, but this is a new way of coming at it.

Omal: correct, it is a new way of coming at the same objective.

Russ: correct.

Omal: which is in itself is open to many different possibilities.

Laura: so does the feeling of déjà vu always have to be remembering a past life or what other possibilities are there for that feeling of déjà vu?

Omal: there are many, many different feelings and different versions of déjà vu. The feeling that you have been somewhere before is a possible past life, it is also possible a connection with yourself on another timeline or on many different timelines, depending on how far ahead or how many have split off prior to the point that are at the same point. There are so many possible outcomes to every situation that there are many, many different timelines in fact billions and trillions, well an infinite number as Kiri put it of timelines running continuously. If you were to say that this is the center timeline and you have the ability to see all the timelines, you would look to your right and see forever. If you turn to your left, you would look and see forever and you would see them all weaving in and out between each other as a tapestry. Some merging and as they merge, there are more splits and fractures occurring so that there is even more timelines. So in actual fact to say that they would be running side-to-side and above and below and all around you continuously, it wouldn’t be able to be laid out all around you because there are so many different fractures and timelines splitting off that you would be bundled within timelines.

Russ: hmmm, so Karra and I have been doing an experiment recently.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: whereby we are sending energy into the direction of Kosovo.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: to affect a change on a……the butterfly causing the tornado or typhoon in Japan affect.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: where one person generates this thought of peace in the region. Now simultaneously throughout the world I’m not the only one doing this.

Omal: correct.

Russ: at that same time.

Laura: uh-huh.

Russ: the possibilities are infinite that thousands of people are doing the same thing at the same time. Go ahead.

Laura: I have a question.

Russ: sure.

Laura: it leads me back to what I asked in another session. With the energy you send, how do you know……how do you send it? What I mean as…..okay, you’re sending it for peace, how do you know that this is really for their best and highest goal and you’re not going against their will, their free will?

Russ: ahh..

Omal: or their learning lesson.

Russ: or their learning lesson.

Laura: yeah.

Russ: because of the fact that I am sending the energy.

Laura: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? I’m not directing at any one person or any one group of people. I’m sending it to an area of the planet so that that energy can be dispersed as it is needed. The energy is there….

Laura: so you’re not sending it for peace, you’re sending it really for the best and highest good and whichever that is, you're sending it for that purpose correct?

Russ: right, yeah I’m generally putting like a color to it.

Laura: yeah.

Omal: even if it is genocide.

Russ: right but yeah the energy is there that the most highest thing could come out of this.

Laura: yeah, that’s what I wanted to know…..

Omal: uh-huh. Okay, continue.

Russ: okay, so as each of our lives come together and split apart again, we meet similar people from other timelines and maybe they don’t have past lives with us but they seem to seem familiar..........

Omal: correct.

Russ: because we’ve merged with them in other aspects of ourselves and other timelines and we have that sense of familiarity.

Laura: uh-huh.

Omal: uh-huh correct. I will answer both questions. Okay, with the merging and the splitting off and the direction of energy directed at Kosovo and all the possible myriad outcomes and the uses of the energy for the higher good regardless of what the higher good is, are all possible and intertwined because of the myriad of number of outcomes. As I stated, I said even genocide. If genocide is for the good of the group and learning from the genocide being such a horrific lesson but being necessary for future of advancement, then that is also part of the common good. However, the aspect of it is a negative situation which must be overcome and learned from. So you have many different possible outcomes and all of them needing to be learned from and the advancement coming from those lessons is what is of the highest good regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

Russ: okay, that makes sense.

Omal: did that answer your question young lady?

Laura: uh-huh.

Omal: okay, let us progress.

Russ: go ahead guys.

Skip: I’m just learning.

Russ: oh, that’s all I’m doing.

Laura: I'm satisfied right now. 

Skip: I'm listening.

Russ: okay, Omal?

Omal: uh-huh?

Russ: then when we project our energy for whatever purpose, then what we’re doing is we’re learning from the projection of that energy each and every time we use it. Now as Kiri was saying, even if that energy is negative it's still something that we have done and because we’re alive and we are experiencing life, then that’s something we need to learn from. To not do so would be another lesson right?

Omal: correct.

Russ: ahhh.

Omal: would be flawed, not do so would be flawed but is part of the lesson. All the possible outcomes are there, all the possible outcomes happened. All the actions and inaction's happen.

Russ: hmm, okay. And so what we’re seeing is……let me see if I’ve got this right. What we’re seeing then is actually a movie, a movie that’s running and we’re just….. 

Laura: it’s an interactive movie.

Russ: an interactive movie right, or interactive website. Click here to go to this web page. Click there to go to this next one.

Laura: choose the next level of the story.

Russ: correct yeah but there’s all these webpage links that we're not clicking on because they’re not part of what we want to do or where we need to go. Is that an analogy we could possibly use?

Omal: it would be better to say it is a story where the actors or the characters fall out of the story and new ones replace them.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Omal: picked up, not by myself, but from your friend who takes it from a book.

(Treebeard picked "The Lord of the Rings" out of our minds)

Russ: okay, hmm.

Omal: okay, any more questions?

Skip: then you’re……..what you’re saying then is if we take the infinite possibilities of the stumbling block, that’s why we got to keep living these lives over and over so we learn the lessons?

Omal: correct, because there are a myriad of possible outcomes and all the possible outcomes, depending on which outcome you in your present perception, depends on the direction that you’re heading in and whether or not you have to repeat the lesson and make the correct choice in this incarnation on this timeline.

Russ: I just had an interesting thought. That means all three of us are on the sixth dimension, the seventh dimension, the eighth dimension, the ninth dimension and so on.

Omal: it doesn’t happen that way.

Russ: oh, why not? It sounds like a great idea. 

Laura: nice thought.

Skip: okay, the reason why not is because we haven’t learned our lesson here yet.

Russ: but in every possible way, we have.

Omal: no.

Skip: no we haven't.

Omal: because they are still more lessons needed to learn before you can advance to that. You cannot be ahead of yourself, you are where you are now. To be on those higher levels…….

Skip: you have to graduate from the school.

Omal: correct, you cannot advance higher than you are already.

Russ: hmm.

Laura: okay but I read something that some people choose to come to a lower dimension again to pick up a lesson they didn’t quite learn.

Omal: yes.

Laura: is that correct?

Omal: that is correct.

Laura: okay.

Omal: but you cannot go above yourself until you are ready to be there. You can go back, but you cannot go forward. You cannot be ahead of yourself when you’re not ready. There are a few people that do but they are only temporarily on a higher level if they are not ready and they get sent back as soon as their time is done to learn the lessons that they’re not ready to learn. There are those from a higher level that come down to relearn lessons or to teach lessons.

Skip: yep, I’m there.

Omal: okay, any more questions?

Russ: nope.

Skip: no thank you.

Laura: uh-uh.

Omal: okay live long, prosper and, I’ll be back.

Russ: thank you Omal.

Omal: auf wiedersehen.