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(Omal gives an excellent talk on the concept of perception creating reality. Not only does he explain how it could happen, but he defines how it happens when it does. In one sense it’s about manifesting reality into being and in another it’s magic.) 

Russ: okay now then, question for you, perception creates reality and vice a versa?

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay, good because this is a major question that I want to work with you on.

Omal: okay.

Russ: now I’d like to know kind of what levels of perception create what levels of creation, of reality I should say, sorry?

Omal: ummm....

r should I define that question?

Omar yes please define.

Russ: okay, let’s say for example I focus on one area of reality I want to affect.

Omal: uh-huh.

 Russ: and this focus is absolute.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: nothing disturbs my thought process or concentration except that reality I wish to create.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: how effective is that or is that compared to the effect of my focusing?

Omal: it is compared A, to the effect to your focusing, B it is affected by your perception of time.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: do you wish the change to occur immediately or over a given period of time or gradually?

Russ: so it needs to be expressed?

Omal: correct. If you do not express it, you do not get results. If you express it as now, then you will not get results because you realize that it is very unlikely that the changes will occur immediately.

Russ: right.

Omal: so the chances are decreased with the more imminent deadline.

Russ: there’s an exception to that rule though.

Omal: to a certain extent yes.

Russ: for health and healing. Let’s say I have a headache........

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and I want to change my reality of that headache to be gone and in that case I would focus strictly on seeing that headache gone and immediately.

Omal: not always immediately.

Russ: really?

Omal: what do you define as immediately?

Russ: like in the next……

Omal: (snaps his finger)

Russ: oh.

Omal: like that?

Russ: no, five minutes.

Omal: okay, that is a perception of time.

Russ: so you have to specify five minutes, ahhhhh, got you.

Omal: if you say immediately now and it is not gone….

Russ: it affects your belief system.

Omal: correct so you have to be realistic.

Russ: okay right, you have to have an idea of how long it takes you to get rid of a headache and if you haven’t gotten rid of a headache before for example, you wouldn’t know how long it would take so you’re guessing.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: so your best bet is to estimate out your best guess and double it and say that is a good point.

Omal: correct.

Russ: oh okay, so a good perception of time then. Rats that time has to go in a linear fashion like this.......

Omal: yes.

Russ: but I guess I have to work with that.

Omal: I also have to make a request.

Russ: sure.

Omal: Mark will not have a cup of tea no less than an hour, anytime before an hour before the channeling session.

Russ: ahh, in other words, we need to have Kiri come on next?

Omal: no, I can be capable of taking care of it, there is no Kiri tonight.

Russ: oh okay.

Omal: please do the honors.

Russ: of course.

(Russ kills the tape while Omal takes care of nature’s calling in Mark’s body)

Omal: again, I will state, Mark will stop drinking tea an hour before the session.

Russ: that will work fine, I’m sure he’ll pick that up and I’ll remind them when he comes back.

Omal: okay good.

Russ: all right, okay so back on reality and perception of reality….

Omal: okay.

Russ: and being able to change the creation of that. Point is, how much do you, can you……..can I see about the future to change it in a way that won’t affect my karmic lessons?

Omal: karmic lessons, by generalizing. Certain things do need to be specific. For example, I would like a vehicle, that has seemed to have been a thought that is very prevalent around your inhabitantence.

Russ: true.

Omal: okay, what kind of vehicle? What shape of vehicle, what function of vehicle? An automobile, a two wheeled vehicle, two wheeled vehicle with a propulsion system, a three wheeled vehicle, three wheeled vehicle with a large propulsion system etc.

Russ: right.

Omal: so things like that can be specified.

Russ: okay.

Omal: generalizations can have a negative effect but they also have a positive effect so it depends on the situation. Each goal and objective and reality needs to have a specific plan. Now the plans and interfering with karmic lessons are part of the process, part of the learning.

Russ: right, so it’s not something where you just say, “well, I’ll probably need to learn this one way or another, screw it.”

Omal: that’s part of the karmic lessons. Don’t forget that your subconscious interacts with the lessons that have been programmed to occur.

Russ: true, very true. So in essence you need to have your faith in your own higher consciousness?

Omal: correct.

Russ: super consciousness as I remember our exact words.

Omal: superego.

Russ: superego, thank you, correct. The superego you have to have faith in the fact that if you think about it, obviously there’s reason for you thinking about it, it’s part of your karmic path.

Omal: correct and weighing and analyzing what is beneficial, not just for yourself but for others.

Russ: right, otherwise just go watch a game of "Monday Night Football".

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay. So the question is whether you want to be a doer or a watcher.

Omal: or a sedimentary individual.

Russ: yeah right okay, good point. Hmm, I guess in this particular instance with the individuals all involved, we're pretty well doers.

Omal: yes.

Russ: we don’t sit around a whole lot in this place.