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(Tia explains what dream travel is and describes how she is able to astral travel to earth to where Carrie is and alter her brainwaves while she slept. One important takeaway is achieving a trance-like state and then leaving the body by programming your dreams to do the same thing.) 

Tia: okay, you got questions?

Russ: yeah.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: working on astral projection.

Tia: oh, as you were discussing with Carrie in dream travel?

(one of our former guests we were still contacting)

Russ: yeah, what is all that?

Tia: dream travel is what you do in your dreams.

Russ: not according to Carrie I don’t believe.

Tia: okay, what did Carrie say fully because we weren’t…?

Russ: well she didn’t say anything about how to do it.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: she just said she used to do it.

Tia: yeah.

Russ: well if it is in your dreams, what do you do, program your dreams to go somewhere?

Tia: kind of, it’s a subconscious programming.

Russ: well how do you do it?

Tia: I don’t, I astral travel.

Russ: how do you go into her dreams?

Tia: how do I go into her dreams?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: well I go in through the brain waves that are given off.

Russ: so you astral travel over to her bedroom....

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and then you hook up with her brain waves?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: then what happens?

Tia: I alter the brain waves.

John: that’s a technique that was recommended by me, that’s a technique I inquired about because of using that technique as opposed to a conventional….

Tia: yeah.

John: astral projection technique.....

Tia: uh-huh.

John: and for different people, it’s viable, I mean I know it’s been done.

Tia: different strokes for different folks or something like that. What you're doing is you’re programming your sleep before you go right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: you have an overwhelming urge to be somewhere. It’s not as effective as going into a trance-like state and then astral traveling.

Russ: uh-huh, well I’m still working on the trance-like state, that’s my other question.

Tia: yeah, carry on working on it, simple as that.

Russ: okay but the thing is, I’m still working on conscious astral traveling.

Tia: uh-huh, it’s far better.

Russ: but I can’t quite get the trance astral traveling down.

Tia: well carry on working on it, you can use the techniques that you learn along the way but as I’ve always said, experimentation. You seem to be one of those stubborn individuals that won’t let go of his physical body.

Russ: yeah well, that's how it works sometimes.

Tia: well, healers are all the same.

Russ: and I’m always self-monitoring my own systems.......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and I can’t break free of that monitoring system to let it go.

Tia: oh I understand, I understand. Rome wasn’t burnt in a day.
