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Total step length: 358:01 min. The three subjects of step three all revolve around self-help, self-healing, regular healing and chakras. Keeping up one's health mentally, spiritually and physically makes the other steps just that much easier starting with self-help. It's said one must love oneself before they can love another and this next section has been chosen with that in mind.
CHANNELED TOPICS- Lesson length: 115:39
TEACHER- OMAL Omal gives a course on the correlation
between the human mind and a computer. He also
expands on the idea to predicting the future today
from twenty years ago in how our technology has
advanced with a fair bit of accuracy. It is the
advancement of our technology and where it goes
from there that will define us as a species. Format mp3- Lesson length: 15:07
min. TEACHER- KARRA Karra gives a dissertation on
maintaining a positive self-image and not being
something you’re not. This is done through stories
from both Sirius and Earth of historical figures
unsatisfied with their outward appearance such as
Tonar the Corrupt. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 3.) TEACHER- OMAL Omal gives a very long and concise
dissertation on emotions and their subcategories.
He points out the harm they can do but also their
usefulness as when Ashtar uses them. That leads
into the topic of self-preservation and fighting
for life as opposed to giving up to death. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- OMAL Omal gives a dissertation on the
importance of the group of people around us in our
growing. With our interactions with them we
determine what is right and wrong in those
interactions. Growth is also aided in
circumstances that have been prearranged for
growth to happen in how we deal with them. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TIA Tia explains how the desire for
something can be so all-consuming that it can be a
negative. The desire can become a destructive
force so she encourages to think above the level
of instinct. That is what sets humans apart over
animals, it's their ability to fall back on
instinct when needed, not their immediate go to. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 6.) TEACHER- OMAL
Omal gives a dissertation on
self-control and its importance for personal
growth. A lack of that same self-control is the
reason for some of history’s biggest mistakes
which he points out while not acting rashly leads
to a better person and better society. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 7.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri discusses tapping into race
memory of an entire race or just an individual
from Earth’s history to see things the way they
saw the world around them. Part meditation and
part self-regression, she offers the advantages of
seeing the past and a little of how to do it
though the student would have to fill in a lot of
blanks she left out. One thing to make it easier
she says is to call on your guides to help make
the connection to tap into the group mind of the
Kiri focuses on happiness and how
being happy with yourself without trying to be
someone else is key. She places a lot of
importance on being spiritually happy which leads
to happiness in all areas of life while searching
for a spiritual goal makes it tougher. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 9.) TEACHER- OMAL
Omal talks about finding what makes
one happy and working with that so when things do
go bad you can stay positive. We look at
conditions where someone knows only happiness or
just sadness but it is determined in the end you
don’t actually have to know both. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO
This next section is the part that has a greater influence on a person's life the older you get but it's never too late to focus on your health in the quest for ascension. Much of what is to come at the end requires working with the body's energy and a healthy body has more energy. Also, the better the health, the easier it is to have a positive outlook, a very important component to healing and health. ![]() HEALING CHANNELED TOPICS- Lesson length: 178:27 min. 1.) Healing 101 & the Prerequisites 2.) Living Young, Staying Young 3.) Healing Meta-concert Tips 4.) Hurting Healing With Worry 5.) Defining a Healer 6.) Healing and the God Complex 7.) Higher Dimensional Healing 8.) It's All in the Mind 9.) Reflexology Via Treebeard 10.) More Reflexology 11.) Photon Energy Ratios 12.) An Example of Photon Energy Healing 13.) The True Healer 14.) The Harmonics of Healing
1.) TEACHER- KARRA Karra’s healing 101. She gives us all
the basics and it is a prerequisite which is why
it is the first and not in the order the rest are
in. Everything said by her in this channeling
session is of the utmost importance for anyone
looking to become a healer. Its core lesson is
that of quantum healing, the healing being done
before any healing actually takes place. The key
to all healing is belief and in this dissertation
she gives all the right advice for a healing to
have the best chance of success. Format mp3-
Lesson length: 20:15
min. 2.) TEACHER- KARRA Karra teaches about self-rejuvenation
and the key steps to making yourself stay as young
as possible. She combines the three principles of
staying mentally active, physically active and
maintaining a healthy diet. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 18:45
TEACHER- KARRA Karra talks about some tips for
healing meta-concerts and how having specific
specialists participating would significantly
improve the results. The various types of bowls
that can be used for healing are compared for the
effects each type of substance will provide. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 10:30
4.) TEACHER- KARRA We discuss how a healer has the
necessary drive to heal so it is more than just
the act of making someone feel good. Karra also
tells of a time she had to assist a father care
for his child as he was being healed and how
worries can affect the healing. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 6:44
TEACHER- KARRA Karra explains what a healer is and
how they should act from their very first meeting
of the person they are to heal. She brings up that
they should accept defeat and help the person
believe in the healing for it to have the best
chance for success. She adopts a feedback loop
used in a previous healing to help a guest with a
health problem. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 10:50
6.) TEACHER- KARRA Karra describes the God complex
that affects every healer at some point. She gives
a good way of dealing with it by using it as a
tool with which to grow. She reveals that the most
powerful healing tool is positive thinking. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 15:01
7.) TEACHER- KARRA Karra explains how having full
access to your past lives provides an immense
benefit when healing because you can draw from
your memories of those lives to gain the
information needed to heal. She provides an
example of one of the voices in her head heard
while healing once. As a bonus, we discuss the
mind’s ability to see things happen where the
imagination becomes a powerful tool. Connecting
the dots, one can see how it would be a useful
addition to any healing. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 8:55
TEACHER- KARRA Karra covers a lot of ground during
her time channeling with first describing herself
and then how she heals by helping the patient to
heal themselves. She moves on to a recent
successful hand transplant recently on this planet
as well as cloning experiments taking place in
South Korea. That leads to a talk about combining
the two. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 14:45
TEACHER- TREEBEARD Treebeard shares with us his
knowledge of reflexology learned from centuries of
planting where growing plants within a certain
time is necessary and you must find energy
somehow. From him we get other uses for it such as
channeling it through the nervous system to
achieve the desired results. Format mp3- Lesson length: 12:06 min. From the
podcast: Surfing the Waveforms - Posted
October 2016
TEACHER- KARRA Karra has some thoughts on the
reflexology that Treebeard talked about earlier in
the session so she expands on what he offered with
how reflexology has a role in healing. She
explains a technique possible on the third
dimension along with the serious harm
it can do if used without proper training.
Format mp3- Lesson length: 9:38 min. From the
podcast: Surfing the Waveforms - Posted
October 2016
TEACHER- KARRA Karra gives her best healing
dissertation using photonic energy along with the
visualization needed to draw it in and the ratios
suggested for blending it with earth energy and
surrounding energy. The ratios relate to the
seriousness of the healing needed. Format
mp3- Lesson length: 7:08 min.
12.) TEACHER- KARRA Karra describes how photonic energy
is used in healing by working with a cat that was
up against Mark’s body and had a bad eye. The
difference in energies between regular and
photonic is noted due to the increased speed her
efforts achieve a noticeable result. Format
mp3- Lesson length: 11:58 min.
TEACHER- KARRA Karra helps a guest get more
efficient with his healing to help it improve
before moving on to the question of how much a
person being healed should know that it is them
doing the actual healing. She gives us the correct
way to do it to get the best results. Format
mp3- Lesson length: 22:36 min.
TEACHER- KARRA Karra explores the harmonics of
healing where the frequency of an individual plays
a part in a healing. She describes how she used
harmonics with a guest we had visiting that was
having a split within her upper and lower self
that needed to be brought closer in alignment. She
demonstrates as well by using a Tibetan singing
bowl that everything has a frequency. From the podcast: Ashtar, Harmonics, and Healing - Posted October 2018 ORIGINAL TEXT & AUDIO
We finish on chakras that go very much with healing. Karra provides an excellent set of dissertations on chakras which we have reversed in the order they were posted in for continuity. The examination of the differences between dimensions provides some important clues for those looking to evolve. ![]() CHAKRAS CHANNELED TOPICS- Lesson length: 65:15 min. 1.) Chakra Differences Between Dimensions- Part 1 2.) Chakra Differences Between Dimensions- Part 2 3.) Chakra Building By Omal
1.) TEACHER- KARRA Karra covers the lower chakras of
the human body as a prelude to the upper ones done
at later session already posted. This time the
differences between the sixth dimension and the
third dimension and she gives anyone interested in
the ascension process a crucial clue needed for
that to happen. One of the keys are the chakras
and how fast they rotate which is something we are
able to control on the third dimension with enough
2.) TEACHER- KARRA In this session, Karra covers the
upper chakras of the crown, throat and heart
chakras where she compares the rotation rates
between those of the sixth dimension and those of
the third dimension and why there are significant
changes between the two. Beyond the spin rates are
explanations on what the chakras do and what they
control. This would be considered university level
education for anyone interested in chakras. She
takes the opportunity to open up the chakras on
Mark’s body in a demonstration on energy looping.
We even get a slight demonstration on possible
levitation as well. TRANSCRIPT& AUDIO 3.) TEACHER- OMAL Omal corrects a practice of chakra
building that I had been trying and explains how a
life between lives influences our life now in a
very important way. If prior to being born you
programmed yourself to have an unquenchable thirst
for knowledge, it’s possible one could live
forever. It’s when the questing ends, so does
one’s life. It explains one way on how he has been
able to live to over a hundred thousand years so
far. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 9:28