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(Omal holds a moment of silence for the Titanic’s sinking and along with that, the era a invincibility of the engineering marvels of their day. Each pinnacle of technology is only a stepping stone to the next pinnacle of innovation.) 

Omal: okay, hmm, let us address things. Okay you have questions.

Russ: indeed. A lot of questions are based on preparedness......

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and getting consciously and mentally prepared for the changes that are happening is part of our editorial we're doing....we did with the latest edition of the News.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and so to go along with that, I'd like to get some other stuff to go along with that. We compared our current time to being as on the Titanic.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: in which right now is like the boarding area. We're on board.....

Omal: talking of which.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: let us........and you will have to keep a note of the time.......have a moment of silence. Why?

Russ: this is the time when the Titanic went down.

Omal: and it is going down or would be going down right now, in fact it would be broken in half with its end up going down right now so let us have a few moments of silence, let us say about 30 seconds.

Russ: okay.

Omal: okay so if you can keep an eye on the time.

Russ: uh-hmm.

(30 seconds of silence follows)

Russ: okay.

Omal: okay.

Russ: now there is a reason you did that.........

Omal: yes.

Russ: besides the fact that it's merely a point in history that we're observing but there is also an emotional tie that affects myself and probably Mark to that particular point in time.

Omal: more than you know with Mark.

Russ: ahhh, well I'm sure you can't explain the one with Mark to me.

Omal: okay, I will endeavor to do so..

Russ: oh, okay.

Omal: a young man that has a drink problem, that hates Sopwith Camels was a very self-loathing person. The reason that he was self-loathing was because of his drink. Why did he have a drink problem? Remember, when he died, he was probably no more than 21 or 22 years old.

Russ: 1918.

Omal: correct. Go back six years, what happened six years prior to his death?

Russ: Titanic went down.

Omal: now why would he have such a connection with it?

Russ: well let's see.

Omal: English history, what kind of person at that time flew aircraft?

Russ: the more well-to-do.

Omal: correct. And the more well-to-do at that time did what with their children?

Russ: ran them through school, good schools.

Omal: good schools, boarding schools.

Russ: right.

Omal: doing a simple bit of deductive reasoning and from what Tia is saying about Mark and the problems that he has with the Titanic the movie, or any movie to do with the Titanic, makes me believe that his parents or at least one of his parents perished on the boat.

(from his last past life)

Russ: so if possibly both parents are on, perhaps his mother would've been saved on it...

Omal: possibly.

Russ: while his father would've possibly died.

Omal: possibly.

Russ: I doubt that they would've been traveling in the lower decks in third class where much.....the main number of people died.

Omal: probably somewhere in the middle. But the moment of silence was not only for those that perished, it was for the start and end of a piece of history. The Victorian era of great industrial growth came to the end with the Titanic. People's belief in their invincibility, people's belief in their growth that they had achieved the ultimate pinnacle and the Olympia and the Titanic were examples of this pinnacle of engineering when in actual fact they were not. The Titanic supposedly was meant to be a lifeboat in itself with its bulkheads that were self-sealing. With a flick of a switch they could be turned on or off. So they did not need in their opinion as many lifeboats. Believing.......

Russ: no, no, no, no, no, no, no.......you will drop that orange juice all over the floor.....there you go. I saw the Titanic in its own little self going (chuckles).

Omal: now those comments of yours, no, no, no, no, no, no, let us look at them in the context of the conversation. The Titanic and the glass, the glass being the vessel, being the metaphor for the Titanic. This piece of silica and various other compounds being invincible and my belief that I was putting it on something correct whilst talking to you instead of looking down. Okay, the belief that I had, that I was doing the right thing whilst talking to you and having total confidence in all this technological equipment around me to help me, to help me put it down without causing any problems is very much like the belief that the people had for the Titanic. And it was a symptom not only of a small group of individuals but the whole entire Western world and its technological advances that it had made. The ending was the belief in that. Now it carried on over for the next six years and basically at the end of the first world war of your planet, it was gone. But a common misconception about the Titanic is that it was the worst disaster at the time, that is incorrect. About a year and a half to two years prior, a ship had gone down with almost 2,000 people that were killed on board. But they were not prominent people, they were not the owners of great industrial businesses. They were not people of such well-known characteristics such as Miss Molly Brown. They were just mere immigrants wishing for a new start but but being at the end of an old style. The growth that they went through in the waiting period of understanding and being prepared to come back as better people having been through what they had been through and the people of the Titanic that went through the same problem is very important to understand. With that period in time, there was the Lusitania, the Mauritania, the Olympus, the Titanic, all these beautiful, powerful ships all destined to become famous in one way or another. The Olympus, the sister ship to the Titanic, the Titanic itself, the Mauritania, the Lusitania, all destined to play an important part in history. What part does the Lusitania play in history?

Russ: well, the Lusitania was the ship that was supposedly sunk by a mine but at the time it was vehemently denied that it was a mine that sunk it.

Omal: you are inaccurate.

Russ: oh.

Omal: it was a torpedo.

Russ: ahhh but the Germans denied all that.

Omal: correct.

Russ: and through further proof, it was found that it was a torpedo.

Omal: correct. It was also denied by the British that it was carrying weapons.

Russ: right.

Omal: it was. But it played an important part in history, it was also the ending of an era like the Titanic, it was the end. By 1918, all that old invincibility that had come along with the pinnacle of the Titanic was all gone, all history. Now the slate was set for even more technological advances.

Russ: yeah, after the first World War everything just took a major jump exponentially.

Omal: correct. So was it a pinnacle that had been achieved? No, there were bigger and better ships to come. The Queen Mary, the Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Elizabeth two, the Graff Zeppelin, the R101, another disaster. The Hindenburg, another disaster. All these transportations were thought of at the time as being the ultimate pinnacle of their technology. Each one was realized to be a stepping stone to the next one in the particular design fields that they were in. Having been found that some of them were failing, they were put to one side, discarded, rejected, dismantled or still sailing, still flying. So, having looked at each level of achievement as being the pinnacle, you must look ahead and see what transpires from those pinnacles. They're not pinnacles, they're just mere steps. A step onward, a step upward, a step to advancement.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: let us look at technology. The pinnacle of technology ten years ago is sitting upstairs. The pinnacle of technology that is readily available for every man is sitting in your office. The pinnacle of technology that is available to the extremely wealthy, they're just mere steps but in their historical places, they are very important. The computer that sits upstairs, ten years ago you could get no better. The fact that it's been augmented and changed and makes it very competitive even with the computers of today tells you how good it was. Was is the correct phrase, it is passed. The important thing to remember is that with technology, whether it is of avionics, ocean going or space going, at its time it is the most technologically advanced there is for its time and for a time. Now do you have questions?

Russ: yeah, one thing concerning the Titanic and myself. As I recall, I wasn't incarnate at the time.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: but I was advising a certain person who was incarnate at the time.

(Omal had told me it was Nicoli Tesla between lives in a previous session)

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and so I was looking at it from a rather higher dimensional point theoretically.

Omal: no, no. You were looking at it from a different spiritual point.

Russ: ah, higher dimensional would be an actual transformation to that dimension.

Omal: correct.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: a different spiritual plane.

Russ: but wouldn't I have access to a higher dimensional informational source, the Akashic Records at that point?

Omal: the Akashic Records of a third dimensional existence, not a fifth, sixth, seventh.

Russ: oh that's a misconception on my own part then.

Omal: correct.

Russ: ahh. Okay, and so from that point, that gives me kind of an insight into the channelings that we receive.

Omal: uh-huh.
