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Total step length: 236:35 min.
1.) Super Operant Parents 2.) Restrictions and Responsibilities 3.) Sub-Super Operants of Sirius 4.) Back to the Third
TEACHER- ALANA Alana discusses the fact that super
operants normally have children with only other
super operants but that isn’t a hard and fast
rule. She points out a friend of hers who has had
children with non-super operants and how it turned
out. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 2:22
min. 2.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri explains Leonedies and the
special status that comes with being a super
operant and some of the restrictions that come
with have all five abilities. We find that their
percentage to the general population of the planet
is the reason for the different rights and
privileges than the rest of the population.
Probably the most amazing thing we learned is the
self-sacrifice required if in a situation where
one of you must give up your lives, the super
operant needs to live. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 3.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri shares her thoughts on people
in both dimensions who are users. She provides a
personal account of such a person newly ascended
to the sixth she tried to help with no success.
The person was sub-super operant which added even
more complications to her dilemma but gave us a
terrific look at a whole sub-set of the Sirian
population. Those who aren’t super operants yet
have a lot of potential and we know of one who
often attends channeling sessions, Bunny. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- OMAL Omal adds to the discussion on the
sub-super operant that Kiri had remembered. We get
a great education on what were to happen to the
individual should they not ascend again upon death
and the higher standard they would need to achieve
If the goal is ascension, then a foreknowledge of telepathy and probing makes for wise preparation fro when that is a part of normal life. My asking questions of those on a higher dimension comes with having my mind easily sorted through, nudged along and known better than could ever be known by myself. Having a twin soul who is already there made the ability to open my mind to others that much easier. Having a knowledge of shielding makes it that much harder for someone on the third dimension to have the same happen here. ![]() TELEPATHY AND PROBING CHANNELED TOPICS- Total length: 46:44 min. 1.) Our Colorful Thoughts 2.) Telepathy Tips 3.) Questions Answered Before Asking 4.) The Sound A Thought Makes 5.) Probing Rubs Off TEACHER- TREEBEARD Treebeard goes over how he probes another’s mind to get answers to the questions he asks before they know what they were going to say. The process he uses is one where it becomes a matter of matching the colors of the thought waveforms. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- BUNNY Bunny answers a few questions on
telepathy and in the process provides some tips
that could be used on our dimension which she
plans on sharing at the end of the session.
Unfortunately her sister Leah takes up the rest of
the side of the tape so we do not get to hear what
they were. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 3.) TEACHER- TREEBEARD Treebeard finds what he needed in a
guest’s mind to speed up a conversation which left
it a bit one-sided. He uses what he pick's out of
our guest's mind to point out the lessons that
come in understanding and accepting of one's
faults. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TREEBEARD Treebeard helps us understand that
when probing, not only do the wavelengths that are
viewable to someone with skill as different
colored lines, there goes along with that an
inaudible sound. Often what is being seen are the
unsaid thoughts at the forefront of the
mind. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- OMAL Omal discusses Mark’s increased
ability to probe under shields to know what
someone is thinking or feeling. It’s an ability
that increased due to his interactions with Bunny
recently. That means they have to test him to
determine the strength of the ability to set the
teaching level. Omal does let on that probing is a
form of coercion and healing. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO
Second only to meta-concert, this section of this step comes with the most warnings. Coercion is done in only three ways, for a positive purpose, a negative purpose or not at all. The resulting karma is equal or increased depending on that purpose. The individual on their way to the next dimension will know how best to use the information shared in this part of the pathway. ![]() COERCION & MORALS CHANNELED TOPICS- Total length: 160:23 min. 1.) Coercion Prerequisites 2.) Long-Distance Healing 3.) Coercion Morals and Practice 4.) Adrenaline Overloads 5.) The Karma of Coercion 6.) Coercion's Five Questions 7.) Coercion Throughout History 8.) Say It with Feeling 9.) The Mechanics of Coercion 10.) A Coercion How-to 11.) Just One of the Five 12.) Coercion 101 13.) Coercion Ethics 14.) Returning A Coercive Attack
TEACHER- KIRI Kiri gives a dissertation on the morals
involved with coercion where she lays them out so
well, this channeling session has been moved to
the first in the series from where it would have
normally appeared. This is by far one of her best
explanations on the power of coercion and why
serious consideration should be used before using
the skill. It would be considered a prerequisite
before moving on to the other channeling sessions
on the subject. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 34:22
min. 2.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri explains what coercion is and
uses Mark as an example of someone who is a
natural coercer to show how even the presence of a
coercer can be felt. We lightly touch on the
morals of using coercion and she provides some
excellent examples of why she finds the need to
use the skill. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Karra first of all gives us an
explanation of a corrupt coercer and an example is
found in one of our past guests to our channeling
sessions and their negative motivation. Then Kiri,
with Karra’s help, demonstrates coercion on a
guest and goes into how the mind can affect
someone even from afar. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri gives a dissertation on the
dangers of coercing someone to a point where it
generates adrenaline overload. She gets in to a
very detailed talk about adrenaline and its use.
She also gives an impromptu demonstration of
coercing a kitten and a morals explanation. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- OMAL Omal expands on Kiri’s coercion
dissertation by reminding that you have to be
aware of the environment and that coercion can
cause karmic paths to be changed in expanding
circles. Also how, on higher dimensions, the
ability to know past lives makes it cut and
dried. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri gives an excellent
dissertation on the morals of coercion with a
solid argument on why to use it as well as the
five questions to ask yourself before using
coercion. At the heart of the negative and
positive of its use we discover is what is done
with coercion that determines the right or of its
use. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 7.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri gives a long dissertation on
the mindset needed to use coercion in a beneficial
manner. She moves next to the morals of coercion
and examples of coercion throughout history. She
also explains how to avoid the God complex of
coercion. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri gives us a lesson in using
coercion as a tool for helping someone in their
development by adding the power of voice to the
coercion. She explains there should be no
hesitation but the exact opposite to get the best
effect. She then judges our recent efforts in
applying her lessons to our lives. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri explores the actual mechanics
of coercion where she teaches how to identify the
brainwave patterns of the subject being coerced to
do the coercion mentally. She explains how a
coercer can tell when someone is being coerced and
how we can tell whether someone is coercing us. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri goes over a channeling session
planned for the future when Kiri would be training
someone who would be practicing on me afterwards
and that discussion leads to coercion explained at
its simplest. A cat becomes one of her visual aids
for a demonstration. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KARRA Even though she isn’t a coercer,
Karra does answer a question about coercion and
with the answer we get a look at her take on the
various abilities. She confirms everyone down here
has all five but whether they can use them is the
point. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri gives her version of coercion
101 with all the little steps needed to begin once
the morals have been locked into place and reasons
to coerce are well understood. She manages to
coerce two people at once in a demonstration of
her skill and lists almost every great world
leader and their skills at coercion. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri shares with a new guest the
moral ethics of coercion and this time uses the
example of an alcoholic parent and the decision
that would need to be taken to stop them drinking
for the sake of the children or allow karma to
play out. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 14.) TEACHER- KIRI We discuss how the coercion of our
small group here on earth had increased recently
with the help of the photon cloud and Kiri
suggests ways to avoid desires slipping into our
practice. She also offers a suggestion on how to
deal with an amateur coercer with more power. The
techs give her full control of Mark’s body so she
uses it to demonstrate how to return a coercive
transmission. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO